8 years of OverGrow Anniversary Celebration 300 prizes, 1999+ seeds, 19 T-shirts!

Good day, OG’s! :vulcan_salute:t3: I see @Rhai88 has my favorite logo turned slap as the header for this last, major blast of an auction! What an awesome selection of beans! :fire: :fire:
That particular sticker up there isn’t an easy one to get your hands on. Trust me… I’ve tried! :joy: I thought it was pretty awesome I was able to get a shirt with that logo made this year! I told @Heliosphear if I could ever find a sticker to go with my shirt it would feel like winning the lottery. Helio’s response… “check your numbers.” :facepunch:t3: We got with @Rhai88 to seek permission to have his work reprinted after finding, with a minimum order it could be done! The plan was to have one for my shirt display and pass the rest out to a few lucky OG’s. With this info Rhai88’s response… “Absolutely, get them to the people!” What a great couple of guys we have here, y’all! Thanks fellas!
All of this said, can I show off my shirt and sticker now?! :joy:

Yep! It’s awesome! :sunglasses:

Let’s find the rest of these sweet slaps new homes!
I’ll be including a flip of my SuperNaut beans as they seem fitting. :grin: SuperNaut is (Kali Mist x Alien Cookies) x Grand Prix

The RNG will choose a winner from the wiki list starting tomorrow evening and every evening after until I run out of slaps!

  1. @Jim
  2. @MyrtleGrounds
  3. @Green_Light :us:
  4. @Nick :uk:
  5. @OhNo555 :us:
  6. @Pixie65
  7. @Wizdom
  8. @Hashpants
  9. @freed111 :canada:
  10. @Gho13
  11. @JonPott :us:
  12. @keene :us:
  13. @GallacreekD66
  14. @Bobgrows :us_outlying_islands:
  15. @creatorknbsland :brazil:
  16. @Smooth
  17. @Sailorboy :us:
  18. @Ganjapeee :brazil:
  19. @Gadarien :us_outlying_islands:
  20. @Mad_Barry :australia:
  21. @Tonyww93
  22. @Coffin_Dodger :us:
  23. @Mattman :us:
  24. @Zolorp :us:
  25. @Drsunshinestrains :thailand:
  26. @Coffweed :us:
  27. @OnePassionateGrower :us:
  28. @pine :us:
  29. @Bort :us:
  30. @patsnumone :us:
  31. @Osogreen261
  32. @RadioWaves
  33. @LedZeppelin
  34. @Ashley
  35. @Illicitmango :us:
  36. @ChinookKing :us:
  37. @globalhead :india:
  38. @BTYGMO :us:
  39. @Rastafarhigh :eu:
  40. @XgrimmX :us:
  41. @Brainwarp
  42. @TheSeedjinn
  43. @Hambone :us:
  44. @VisionGrower :brazil:
  45. @Crawfish :canada:
  46. @dank :us:
  47. @CanuckistanPete
  48. @Sintax :us:
  49. @belleswell :us:
  50. @LzBoy :canada:
  51. @Sungrown :us:
  52. @emeraldbullfrog :us: :frog:
  53. @organical :us:
  54. @pawsfodocaws :us:
  55. @Thurgood :canada:
  56. @Trae1170 :us:
  57. @Fortman420 :canada:
  58. @jayy_2the_r-o_whah :us:
  59. @503BudMan
  60. @420noob
  61. @luxton :canada:
  62. @ShiskaberrySavior
  63. @SEMOActivist :us:
  64. @blowdout2269
  65. @9mag :us:
  66. @dank :us:
  67. @ix3u
  68. @Sbeanonnamellow :us:

Add numbers as needed. Be kind, you have time. I have more than 4 slaps. :slightly_smiling_face:

A BIG THANKS to @Heliosphear @Rhai88 for making this happen! :fist:t3::feather::feather: