A suggestion Id hope to see

I thought it would be nice to include an off topic category on overgrow.

I understand this website is about marijuana and growing, but I think every place deserves an off topic category to discuss whatever we would like to. I understand there are other avenues to do this like reddit or something, but I think it would be a nice addition to this website.

I really hope the admins would do this. I wanted to talk about somethin but there is no category to correctly place the post. Please consider it!

I just noticed off topic posts are thrown into the “garbage” category. I think we still deserve off topic conversations that are meaningful! Seriously consider.

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Smokers lounge is an off topic category bromigo…


Agree with PhilC, Smoker’s Lounge and Chat thread. If that’s not enough there is an Overgrow discord as well…


Nothing wrong with overgrow the way it is,why change it to give someone an extra room to show their feelings
Off :grin: you need to get something off your chest smokers lounge


Good to know there is a Overgrown discord too! :clap:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Have been looking for and have been unable to find a live invite link but meh :woman_shrugging:t3:… it’ll happen when it happens. :wink:


Hey bud, as others have pointed out there is plenty of room for off topic stuff. Note the meme thread, the pic of pets thread, the what stoners eat thread etc. The only stuff that tends to end up in the garbage can is political junk or stuff that creates arguments. Otherwise you are free to open topics in a few areas with no issues.


I felt the shark tank had a place here.

Accepting the darker parts of our nature and the like.

But not my call.