Can't find the Shark Tank forum

I kid. Howdy folks long time no see. I don’t remember many of the names in the member list, but nice to meet you. It’s odd seeing ~s avatar being used again.

Hi and welcome!

Yes ~s~ old “gansta” avatar is here for “system” user just because of the sentiment and also as salute to this great founder of OG :)… Actually he has used few different “afro” avatars…

Site has gone live just today (depeding on time zone in which you are) so I hope that in some time, old school members will find the way here :slight_smile:

Shark Tank is here for topics without category - which this system supports… You can just throw in post right from the homepage (New Topic link in upper right corner) and as default it is set to be posted in Shark Tank…

But yes we could turn it into proper category visible on homepage… What do others think?

if it’s no holds barred as the the old one was prior to ~rc removing it, I would leave it unpublished and not visible to guests.

Thanks for your suggestion… Currently all categories are visible to public, but I’m all in for creating section just for members… Just let us few days to warm-up the forum :slight_smile: I’m currently gathering list of needed features to deploy them when time allows…

I’ve moved this to Shark Tank category to show what I mean… :slight_smile:

[update] You are right… It is not seen anywhere as category, so I take back my words… It doesn’t make any sense :)) We should turn it to proper category visible on homepage.

So the Shark’s Tank is now created…

It is category hidden to guests, so you need to be registered to read and post in it… :slight_smile:

It is place for “uncategorized” topics, absolutely free of any moderation and censorship!