Advise on First Grow

Hello. First Post.

I have a limited amount of space. I require a tent. The grow will be in a shared office closet that is 28x44. I was thinking either a 2x2 or a 20"x36"? I was thinking of autoflowers, though not sure if 1 plant or 2. Since I’m a complete newb, I want to focus on the plant and environment. Thinking of going soil in 3g fabric. Any advise at all would be greatly appreciated.

Copy from my reply:
This is a preliminary list and I’m willing to learn/change anything on it:

AC Infinity CLOUDLAB 36” x 20” x 62” OR a 2x2
AC Infinity Air Carbon Filter 4"
AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T4, Quiet 4” Inline Duct Fan Temp/Humidity controller
Ducting and other bits and bobs


Welcome, I’m starting internal cultivation too, I’ll learn from you here, many will help for sure…

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Welcome to OG Elwood. Besides your tent size what are you thinking for light? You will need ventilation. Fresh air in, hot humid air out. Is it even doable in this closet? Will odor be an issue, filter?
Lots of things to consider, but you came to the right place.


Welcome to OG. Glad to have you here!

Will the shared closet be used by someone else, too? You would have to make sure the plants aren’t disturbed during flowering time. When lights go out, it has to stay that way to flower correctly. That takes two months that you would need to keep them undisturbed at lights out.

You’re doing the right thing by asking first. People will chime in and help. peace


Welcome @Elwood !

I agree that there should be some questions answered first. Light, space, whether the plants will be disturbed.

Hi, Welcome to OG!

Welcome to OG @Elwood ! As others have said, need to consider space, light, ventilation, smell remediation, and privacy. Also, what is your vertical room in your closet? Lights, ventilation fans, and in-tent fans all need power…where is that coming from.

Good move to ask here first, could save yourself some headaches! That being said, the right autos grown in a 2x2 tent could definitely keep you in herb, especially with a staggered (in time) grow.

Thanks for the warm welcome and the help offers. Little background: Growing newb. I’m very technical minded and a bit OCD. Retired data integration specialist.

The office is shared by my wife and I. We need to keep the smell down as we have some family over ever once in a while and they are not chill. The closet will be dedicated to the grow. Internal space is 28x48. I will vent it to the addict and out the roof vents. It will draw fresh air from the room under the closet doors (bi-fold doors).

This is a preliminary and I’m willing to learn/change anything on it:

AC Infinity CLOUDLAB 36” x 20” x 62” OR a 2x2
AC Infinity Air Carbon Filter 4"
AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T4, Quiet 4” Inline Duct Fan Temp/Humidity controller
Ducting and other bits and bobs

I have many questions regarding soil, pots, nutrients, etc. But first the basic setup.

Edit: I’m thinking of going with autoflowers for my first grow since I’m not sure about light leaks and such yet.


Good luck with your grow! Just started 2nd about a week ago. I haven’t really been active on OG for awhile and only have like 1 grow under my belt. Therefore, I may just let someone more experienced chime in with suggestions.

id go with the 36x20 isnt it more square footage or am i wrong

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Hi and welcome! @Elwood
I have both a 3x3 square and and a 2x4 rectangular tent. I have more usable space in the 2x4 even though the footprint is smaller. I think you’ll have better space in the 20x36. Maybe you’ll be able to run 3 autos in that space.
Enjoy the grow! It’s fun and exciting to watch them grow on a daily basis. Always remember to LITFA and KISS.
(Leave It The Fu*k Alone) and (Keep it Simple Sweetie)
Make sure to ask questions and post pictures. There are tons of folks who love to help newbies!

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I’m going to go with the 20x36. I think I’ll go with the Maxsisun MF2000? To much, to little?

I’ve never dealt with maxsisun lights but the one you linked should do just fine for your needs, it has a dimmer if needed too though I rarely dim my leds but instead just raise or lower the height

What you’ve listed sounds sufficient for a beginning grow. Any idea yet what autos you will be running?

I’m thinking of Sol Mate Auto from Humbolt but I think availability will dictate when I’m ready.


Hard to arrange plants in 2x2. You can easily get 2 plants in that 20x36 though and 3 plants in 4ft. I’m not a fan of square footprints personally, until you get up to 4x4

Thanks. Given everyone’s advise I’m going with the 20x36.