Air-Pots in Octopots

I’m going to try these on my next octopot grow. Any ideas for how to get LST tie down sites on the airpots?

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Okay the only other way I can express why I like the Air-pots indoors vs the fabric is how the root masses look when pulled from each.

Air-pot = :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Fabric Pot = :exploding_head:

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Thread your material though the hole and tie it down and you’re done.

Here’s the Nepali Watermelon Hashplants tied down this way:

Every few days I’d need to twist the wire to shorten it just enough as they all wanted to grow through the lights.

And this is all in 3L air-pots :rofl:


Soldering Iron. Poke holes around the top rim of the airpot.

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