Air-Pots in Octopots

Hey guys, I had seen Octopots with Air-pots on Reddit, but no real info. This guys doing it…

Im definitely gonna do at least one for myself in a future grow. Only thing that would kill it for me is if Im unable to rotate the Air-pot within the reservoir. Looks fairly tight, but I’d love to see for myself.

Maybe a near-future Mini-pit grow…

Is there anyone here doing this?

Found this on Reddit.


I did this a few years back and applied the motto "Go big or GO HOME.



It takes up 1/2 a 4x4.



@ix3u made a collage of my build so anyone can do it too :smile:



and here’s my 2.0 version.


I forgot to mention this is also a self contained fallponics system.






I have 2 sets of airpots im trying to get rid of… 3 and 5 gallon like 6 of the 3 and 7 of the 5

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Octopots for the win

The growth in amazing

Here is 3 large Octopots and 5 small ones

Some plants are over 6 feet tall


Thats just so bad-ass @Pigeonman :100:

And version 2.0 is just insane. Youre a fuckin pioneer, my friend. Nicely done :beers:


Yes @Papalag, tease me with your huge grow space. Tent city sucks :100:

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It’s only 2.5 feet by 93 inches I had a 4x4 tent in here and couldn’t move or work in there I went tentless lol and love it
I hah to buy a bigger exhaust fan and filter but worth it

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Thats so damn cool


That is one hell of a dyi my friend

I see that can produce monsters

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Doesnt the grow bag do the same thing as a airpot by suppling more air to the rootmass?

Yes and no @OrganicallyChalenged

Air-pots force air based root pruning resulting in more root mass for less space.

While fabric pots do allow for more O2 for the roots, they have the big problem of if you let them dry out they compress from the walls and it’s a big pain to get it all saturated again.

I love fabric pots for outside as I always make sure they are saturated; but air-pots for indoors because in all my tests of all the accessible to me types of pots they just hands down produce the biggest mass for the smallest footprint.

All those open holes do invite fungus gnats; so I keep my space as clean as possible and additionally add this to the mix as required.


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I found if I lined the insides and bottom of airpot with weed control fabrick no more gnats

Also if the weed control fabrick
Came up one inch above medium level around inside of pot this acted as a bunged wall stopping erosion and overflow mess etc when watering and it flowing out the holes

The fabric also keeps room less messy in general

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Thanks @ifish .

I’ve never had leaks out the sides so mayhap the way I pack em is in my favour?
The fabric is a good idea but I’ve always wondered if this hampers the air-pruning factor. :thinking:


Id think so… how can it not?

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Why would it hamper it ?
If you put your lips to weed fabric you can breath easily thou it

The video above explains it.

The fabric would restrict the holes purpose, and additionally block the soil from being tucked into the dimples that are intentionally not perforated.

Been trying to wrap my head around your listed dimensions @Papalag … You fit a 4x4 tent in a room roughly 30"x93"? My advanced mathematics skills are declining daily, but grade school skills still in-tact :rofl:. Wanna double check that 2.5 foot dimension?

Im thinking of using space that I know is available under the stairs. It may be emough for the 2x2, possibly :pray:

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Total space is 5 ft x 93 inches
The scrog frame is 28 in x 93 in in the back corner is a 24 x 24 in tent as well

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@Pigeonman sure fabric pots do the same

Are the spikes really needed ?

As roots reach the side of the cloth pot, they get air pruned – at which point another root grows from the centre of the root mass. This creates a dense, radial root mass that eliminates issues with circling. Often, in typical pots, roots will simply circle around the inner edge of containers over and over again

General info on fabric pots ^^^

When I lined my airpots with fabric I didn’t notice any circling ?

I like the hybrid approach better

Easier at harvest as you dismantle ( air pot bonus )
Sturdier structure and lasts lifetime

Easy watering with the fabric
Cleaner grow room plus no gnats

So hybrid best of both worlds
: )

The airpot looks like more roots as more plastic so you can see the roots on ouside of medium as it travels along spike befor getting pruned ( a visual thing
Where as in fabric root tips pruned at edge of medium so you can’t see them ( less visable but the same system and amount of roots

It’s just the extra plastic making roots more visable when pot removed kind of

Hard to put in words lol

With the plastic in the spike of the airpot it makes roots visible before pruned
With fabric you don’t get to see them befor they pruned

Just a visual thing the spikes seam more of a aesthetic thing wrote to sound good but unneeded really