Micro Octopot DIY?

Hi OGers,please I am not finding any octopot avaible in my region,I Need to craft a micro version.What do I Need?What can I use to craft It?I only have fabric pots.I Wish to use It with soil or Coco and also Need info on how to manager the reservoir(temps,pH,organic/salts?)
Can they be put outdoor too with direct sunlight?
I have very hot temps indoor too.


@Papalag and @Jetdro are the resident octo pros! They can definitely help with specs and such. @Papalag linked me some knockoff smaller ones from Amazon he found that were like 1/2 price too. And @ShiskaberrySavior has an octo on his deck right now soaking up mother natures Led rays. Good luck hope someone can help @Andrexl


THANK YOU SO MUCH.Yes I know about the Amazon knock off but I have checked and It Is not avaible here,I wouldn’t bother you with my DIY but It seems my only chance to try octopots os to build One with grocery or Walmart bought things
Thank you again @TopShelfTrees1


Look up on you tube also sip method is similar

I saw the other day alaskan bucket I believe it was called


@Andrexl these seem really cool and easy to make


Another option is autopots if they are available where you live @Andrexl i used them for a run with great success 6 years or so back, it’s basically the same concept.


That’s pretty sweet too @Papalag snd definitely easy to make/do and cheap too, awesome! I knew you’d have options. :facepunch:t2:


Im gonna give this a whirl at some point, might be right up your alley.


Here is a video about how to grow using an inexpensive pot-in-pot method. This sums it all up pretty well


Thank you all @herojuana.tom(yes I do still have to crack the seeds you sent me and very soon) @Papalag @TopShelfTrees1 @PatioMat :heart:
Yes autopots are avaiable here.
I Will have a look at all your solutions and report back soon.
I Need to known if the reservoir needs to follow some hydro rules like temperature of the water and pH,also if using “organic” liquid nutes Is doable.


Organic nutes is 100% doable and no temp restrictions or chiller necessary you can put the Rez outside, run the lines in and good to go, it’s actually ridiculously simple. And they really grew some killer plants they were just too small then but now they have tons of options


You can also look for self watering pots at the local garden store, pretty much the same thing :ok_hand:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


@CADMAN you got images or links for your Dollarstore OctoPot Build?!?



Page/post 350… @Pigeonman @Andrexl then continued 391 onwards.


I had a look and It Is very doable.I ll start soon with One SIP system,I already got two sprouts to do my experiment.

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I came to the decisione of trying a replica of Octopot with a soil mix as medium and clay pebbles in netpot for wick.
Now,Is this soil :

any good for this style?
@herojuana.tom @Papalag @TopShelfTrees1 @LonelyOC @Pigeonman @CADMAN
I ask because I got some sprouts autos growing atm


Oh yes, that one is a good one. Don’t know if you need pebbles though since that mix got perlite already, so it’s already contain enough air. I would look into adding additional bacterial substrate to it though. Especially around the existing roots, where you transplant your sprouts :heart:

BTW, what are your plans for the feed?
Organics are a bit harder to dial. So my suggestion is to use something commercial for your first couple of grows until you get the hang of it.

Pz :v:t2:


Never used it but sounds good to me

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Got their full line, it’s organic-ish but they are a Little stinkier and about 2 years old,I use Them on veggies and they still work,but are a Little out of date lol.
@LonelyOC thank you and Thanks @Papalag too
I want to use clay pebbles in the net pot,not inside the fabric pot where I ll Just use this soil.
The Plan Is to replicate octopots since here are not avaiable,so a rez and a fabric pot on top,cut in the bottom where I add a netpot connecting the roots to the rez,acting as a wick

Or,Plan B I have some GH bag of MaxiBloom powdered nutes(salts)


I never use the clay pebbles before hopefully it will work for you

I just use soil

I’m a salts guy my self


Doesn’t soil becomes mud in the netpot wick near the water?