Alaskagrown’s Blueberry Auto’s

You’re welcome!!

May the seed gods bless you my friend!!! :heart:


No signs of hermaphroditism brother, i spend more than 10 minutes everyday with the plants i would have seen balls if there were any…
Plants are all stunted due to over watering and lost their growth…

One of the plant is not showing any signs of life, I’ll observe for couple of days before chopping her…

I mention seeds because of their swollen calyxes, if there were any seeds from them I’d consider them blessings so that I can do justice to them the next run LoL…
If it were pollinated it would likely from any of my indigenous landrace, so no worries brother…


@HashstasH Hey friend, may I ask you why that amount of sticks round the plants? Thanks… :thinking: :hugs: :flushed:

I have bad eye sight and this helps me when seedlings stretch very fast and I use them like tall fences to guide and promote straight healthy stems and they get removed week 8…

I also use 2 floating fans directly on the plants from above…


Interesting… When it comes to main stem, I’m the totally the opposite of you… only one stick or wire to keep the stem upright. considering lots of blowing fans on them, I like that… Thanks Really nice plants, yours :pray: :hugs:

Pardon @Alaskagrown, didn’t mean to hijack it… @HashstasH you and I had better go to the chat thread lol :sweat_smile: :flushed: :sunglasses: :man_farmer:


I’m smoking a few bowls while my fem boston terrier decides to play this time of night while I’m waiting for my group to start playing COD League…

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No worries friend…this is a open forum!

Ask anything you’d like…especially if it has anything to do with growing Blueberry…. :wink:



Thanks, appreciate it, it kinda is related after all…

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I really wouldn’t appreciate walking into a grow veg closet to see 30 plants bent over trying to rise with fans on them, in 11 years leaving them bent never worked for me.


Blueberry girls a little over 40 days in, I torture tested them a little… 3 big girls, one beast, three different color leaves… One runt, one a little behind the others but a nice plant. They’ve been lollipopped a bit and the biggest one got topped right after this pic


Looking good after topping, I have a feeling this is the calm before the storm… A couple of these are going to try to get really tall, and I’m going to try to stop them! :joy:

Ignore the mess, I’m switching to aeroponics for this grow for most plants.

Holding right around 1100 ppm at the moment. They don’t like higher nutrients early, but they powered through.


Plants are looking really healthy my friend…and yes this is the calm before the storm…buckle up! Lol


Well this happened

Would love to know what strain blueberry I seen plenty varieties on your op …it’s alright if you don’t remember :crazy_face:leads me to my next question …it’s just a number but roughly seed to harvest time ? Deff will be a early harvest for me ither way
Thanks Brian !


@Alaskagrown They arrived!!

Thank you so much, excited to have some blueberry in my life :slight_smile:


TBH I’m not 100% sure…these were gifted to me years ago from the now defunct Breedbay…but I do know it’s based from DJ Short Blueberry because of the mutant’s that show with the “classic” DJS leaf crinkle!

But if I remember correctly it’s Blueberry x Lowrider…but these have been bred by me to be large plants…currently have some taller than me and I’m 5’10-11” on a good day! Lol

I’ll get some update pics today to show how MASSIVE these can get with a proper light cycle and container size…




By comparison I’ve never fed my Blueberry anything over 750 ppm (7 x multiplier) and that’s still a bit hot! But Jacks 3-2-1 is a very efficient fertilizer program!!



Will report back with action !


Turns out my pH meter wasn’t calibrated. Must have slipped my mind. Unfortunately when I’ve adjusted my water to 6.5 it was actually closer to 5.6 since the meter was off by about 0.8, yikes :grimacing: 🤷:clown_face:

That’s what happens when you try to squeeze a quick auto grow in when you don’t have the time for it because you ran out of weed lol

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5.6 pH isn’t too terribly low…I’m guessing they will finish just fine my friend! :slight_smile:


Got some monsters in the house!

It’s official…one of the Blueberry Auto’s is now taller than I am!! :open_mouth: and three other’s not much shorter…the biggest auto’s I’ve ever seen without a doubt!

Check out this crazy phenotype…literally the loosest cannabis plant I’ve ever grown…but has trichomes covering the main stem!

Some random plant pics…

