All-in-One Cabinet Grow OG Edition

The “OG” part caught my eye, crazy price :roll_eyes:


LOL, $1000 USD for 1 small plant. It would pay for itself in just a few years. I really love the light leak around the viewing port. I would need dozens of them. I did like the weed fairy though but sadly only made it through 45 seconds of the video. mutley2


C’mon Doug, show some respect, the guy got FOUR ounces out of a SINGLE plant!!!


Hey! It’s $75 bucks off! So you save a little bit huh :joy::joy: don’t forget your FREE subscription too :rofl::rofl:


Someone wants something simple and elegant for their modern home. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I’ve grown in 15” x 15” and it sucks.

Hey they do financing!

I’ve grown in 30x30x30cm and it cost me something like 20€. And it was great. Actually there’a a male in there right now. But I would sell it for say $500?

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I could get 4-6 ounces from my first grow box. I went dumpster diving for my boxes, and used security lights repurposed to be grow lights. Ran that rascal for years.
Ugly as hell, but a bud maker for sure! Maybe 2005-6.
AK stressing out some.


only upside i can see is it looks easy to clean. all those ducting flaps in the tent are a bit time consuming to wipe down thoroughly, and arent light/air tight.

Perhaps I overstated. My 15” x 15” was awesome. It was a custom built lectern.

But I’m so happy to have the space I have now.

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It was really cool, it had a dummy panel held on my magnets. The whole side popped off for regular maintenance.

It’s a neat box. I feel like I could repurpose something from ikea cheaper and have the ability to choose hydro or soil. Some just don’t have that creativity or maybe time to devote so the 1000 tiny plant box is the go to.