Andrane's Crazy Seed Giveaways!


It’s Friday and it’s that time again! I dont have many seeds left, at least not until more seeds are made but today the give away will be a pack of 10 mystery seeds. These seeds are all photo periods but could contain some fems and regs. They could be seeds from a fellow OGer or from my own breeding projects. They are seeds that I just couldn’t identify 100% because I mixed them up.


Because they are a mystery, let’s do a mystery themed give away. If you have any mystery themed pictures or you want to add a clever riddle for people to have a go at, please add it in the comment. All for a bit of fun.

The give away will last for 24 hours and as normal the winner will be chosen at random.


Good luck to all!


TeamOG, would be awesome to get a wiki. For sign ups. Thanks.

Give Away is for Canadian and USA residents at this time.

Please add more numbers as needed!

  1. @gonzo
  2. @Kasper0909
  3. @LivingBlackSoil
  4. @Big_Yeloe
  5. @Terpsnpurps :us:
  6. @Groenevingers
  7. @Kgrim
  8. @CanuckistanPete
  9. @Ris :us:
  10. @Jimdoors
  11. @hellablaked :us:
  12. @blowdout2269 :us:
  13. @breadwinner :us_outlying_islands:
  14. @420noob
  15. @Tao
  16. @503BudMan
  17. @Bobgrows
  18. @HappyTrees23s
  19. @hawkman
  20. @Mrgreenthumb