Anti Seizure Strains

Just looking for strains that work good for seizures. All help will be greatful! thanks!


Charlotte’s Web, Haleigh’s Hope (competing strains for the same market/ 25:1 ratio), Ringo’s Gift, Cannatonic, Harlequin, Canna Tsu, Early Miss, Ortega, Grape Ape and, Purple Urkle. Those are only a few that I know of. The first three were bred/crossed specifically for the treatment of seizures resulting from epilepsy, hence the names. Lil Charlotte’s seizures were reduced from over 300 per day to a more manageable 3 - 5, it was reported. Hope this helps. Most of these seeds are readily available. Do enjoy a pleasant week, take care, stay EXTRA safe and, yes…be well…mister :honeybee:


Thanks brother… time to expand the growing op for these strains…

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Going to revive this one. I’ve got a friend that’s recently started suffering from seizures. Looking for strains known to be good for seizures. Have plenty to trade :v:


In places where weed is illegal, there’s always the risk of seizure, no matter the strain. :laughing:

Sorry. It’s a serious subject, but I couldn’t help myself…

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This study might be of some help

From what I gathered from the above CBD and CBDV seem to be the most efficient for reducing seizures.

Overall, the evidence for CBD’s efficacy in treating epilepsy has been shown and replicated across various forms of TRE. Of paramount importance are the clear benefits this phytocannabinoid has brought to younger people suffering from TRE

TRE = Treatment Resistant Epilepsy

THCV was aslo included part of this study but it seems there is still a lack of further follow up studies. It also states this might be better aimed at treating diabetes but it did show a reduction in seizures.

Overall, Hill and colleagues [94] concluded that 0.25 mg/kg of Δ9-THCV significantly reduced seizure incidence in the PTZ model of epilepsy. Results of this experiment point to a preliminary confirmation that Δ9-THCV possesses anticonvulsant characteristics. This promising preliminary data received little follow up, resulting in a dearth of available information about Δ9-THCVs ability as an anticonvulsant. Whether Δ9-THCV is capable, or incapable of acting as a reliable anticonvulsant across models of epilepsy remains to be seen.

I just posted about a THCV project I am working on and most all the samples I’ve grown have equal parts THC to CBD. I’d be happy to send you some of these to try if they are of any interest to you. Otherwise the best (or quickest) route might be to try CBD and/or CBDV isolate and see if there is any help from those.


Link ?

Which strains ?

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Sorry this was what i was referring to


I’ve been on the hunt for medically beneficial cultivars myself.

Been looking to get the ball rolling for my oldest dog as he is starting to show signs of aging. Shaking and dementia are here now.

As well as my mother who is starting to have pretty severe arthritis.

Bodhis Good Medicine is definitely something I plan to grow out but I’m looking for other options as well.

I’ll be keeping an eye out in this thread.