CBD dominant strains for epilepsy?

So a really good friend of mine has quite bad epilepsy and even when he is taking his meds he seems to keep having seizures. I’ve known him for 3 years and have lost count of the amount of seizures he’s had and I’ve witnessed him have a few and it’s terrifying.
I’ve tried to get him into CBD products but the cost is pretty prohibitive . I figure since I’m growing now I could grow him some CBD bud so that he could try it without it costing him a fortune.
So all that to say I’m looking for recommendations on some strains and preferably some sources in Canada for em? Thanks guys


There are lots to choose from (and more every year).

Some ‘geek stuff’ you might run across…
Science folks are now classifying in Types.

Type I = THC dominant
Type II = mixed THC & CBD
Type III = CBD

For epilepsy, I think you are looking for Type III.

Extraction method counts for a lot.
I’ve lost count the number of times people have tried a CBD isolate and said it did nothing (or very little) but full spectrum worked (or worked well).
Check out the tincture thread here for a ‘deep dive’.

Probably something like Charlotte’s Angel (Dutch Passion) would be a good one to try.



T-H-E best variety (getting away from the word, “strain”) for Epilepsy would be CHARLOTTE’S WEB, bar none!!! Others include Cannatonic, Ringo’s Gift, ACDC, Grape Ape, Harliquin, Purple Urkle, and Haleigh’s Hope off the top of my head. There are others, but I’m away from my Logbook. Charlott’s Web was specifically created for a little girl (Charlotte) whose seizures were reduced from OVER 300 per day down to single digits!! Good luck on your search, and you are a GREAT friend, in my opinion!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I know a guy on facebook who sells CBD gear. Hit my messages if you want to know more.

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Seattle chronic seeds cherry wine full spectrum


Can any say if
Bodhis Good Medicine would be a good strain for him ?
(Harlequin High CBD x Appalachia )

This might be, as Gpaw said a “Type II”

I only ask because I was gifted some after nube did a Pay It Foward seed run for the community.


Yeah, Charlottes Web had great results for that little girl so that’s where I would start. Seek out more specialized forums or websites that are geared to serious caregiving. I’m not personally educated on it totally, so maybe you could look at the stats for the CW, maybe that would give you a roadmap to seeking out similar strains or aid you in making some medicine that will work.

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Yeah of your on ig feel free to dm Seattle chronic. I know for fact he’s done a ton of work on full spectrum.


Cherry wine outperformed my THC strains when squishing rosin


Dude puts in work.

Mine was a bag seed from cherry wine flower I had ordered on Amazon lol. What I grew didn’t even look like what I bought. Smokes really nice.

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Yeah he’s got a few nice ones. If that’s your thing great lakes genetics has packs of sour bubble x good medicine. I’m sure that’s a treat

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Any sour bubble cross should be pretty nice

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Unfortunately i don’t have ig or facebook and I am trying to find a source for genetics in Canada but I will see if I can find any charlotte’s web. Thanks everyone all the replies are much appreciated

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