Any thoughts on this

The first two pics show the problem leaves and the last pic is new growth. I am working on getting the PH for the soil and the run off soon and will post that when I have it. I am growing this one in Coast Of Main super soil and it’s been about a month In Veg. She was transplanted and topped a week ago or so and given a light top dressing of organic worm castings yesterday. Not sure if this is an issue but it doesn’t look healthy.


Transplanting and topping at the same time might have freaked her out a bit.

Throw a bucket of LITFA on her.

Check the PH of the water you use too.


Alright we will see how she does on the recovery then with the LITFA the water PH is 6.8 going in and im changing to distilled water starting tomorrow @Rogue

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I can’t find the super soil on their website, would love to see the ingredients list.

And how often do you water? Don’t go by a schedule, stick a finger in your soil. If it feels cold and moist two knuckles in then don’t water.

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@Rogue it’s the platinum growers mix by Coast of Maine stonington blend

I see, so a lot of the stuff in there probably isn’t fully broken down yet, some trace minerals may not be available yet. Add worms to your soil and wait. It will sort itself out over time.

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I would not change to distilled. Just drop the ph in to about 6.2. At 6.8 in your locking out certain nutes from being available.


Distilled is stripped of everything not just chlorine. Chlorine will mostly evap off if you let your water sit. And distilled has a lower ph than you want. Itll cause problems itself


Look at the labels of bottled water, usually they have the PH on there.

My advice: LITFA and epson salt.

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Did you add any perlite to the mix? It’s pretty heavy stuff and I feel it can get get overwatered easily. But overall it looks like a ph shock or overwatering. If it was just transplanted, it may not have been use to the ph and it has some issues until it acclimates and starts absorbing the nutrients properly.

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It was over watered early on and then a little under watered after moving to the fabric pots as the material drains very easily. I PHd the water I was using after calibrating my meter and it’s a 6.6 and the PPM is 39. Im just going to see how it recovers in the next week or so and if it gets better or worse I’ll definently post back up here


@anon27306389 do you apply the epsom salt by spray on the foliage or by watering the soil

Yes only in soil, the only case I foliage spray is if I see signs pest I do neem oil. I use epson because my water tends to be to high ph, but if your controlling that you should be good. When they get big I use nutrients on top soil and bottom feed water with epson, there’s my recipe.

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Cool thanks will definitely try it

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You need to be checking runoff pH. Input pH is important but runoff pH will tell you what it is actually like in the root zone. Most potting soils have a lower pH and will impact pH in the root zone. Yellowish growth like that is classic low pH symptoms.

Switching to distilled will exacerbate the problem, because the pH of distilled will be 7, but it will have zero alkalinity, or no resistance to pH change. Carbonate minerals in tapwater help you increase alkalinity.


I really need to do that 100% I’m about to be on my long break from work and I will definently be checking on that ASAP. Do you guys get the ph up ph down stuff to apply to your water for adjustments

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pH up and down are very cheap. Most brands are more or less the same.

Whatever is available will work.

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