Is this a deficiency or a Ph problem?

I don’t have a Ph pen tho lol. 50/50 FFOF & HF soil with Down To Earth dry amendments.


99% sure is a calcium deficiency. I ordered some cal-mag, should be here Tuesday.

If you’re using fox farms I doubt your soil is deficient. Get a pH pen. The nutrients are there but maybe locked out


It’s a 50/50 mix FFOF & HF

So I have to get an expensive blue lab pen or is their a cheaper alternative that’ll do the trick?

I believe you are seeing a leaf twist from the ocean part of the mix…I would use the cal/may tho…its called a clawing leaf from the higher nitrogen from fish and crab…I think you will be fine after a few waterings.


The leaf right above the new growth has spots on it, I should have circled it lol. The camera doesn’t do as good as the eyes however. It’s more prominent in person. Thank you for that tip tho, I was also curious about that


The soils your using contain tons of calcium. You can get a 30-40$ pen… Hanna is pretty good. I have a cheap 20$ no name one that works great.

Always pH your water if you’re unsure but also do a slurry test with some of the soil.

Mix some soil with some neutral water let it sit for 20min and see what the pen registers.

I am unsure how adding cal/mag would help in this situation but give it a shot, maybe it will work


Just bought this one. A lot of good reviews so I just went with it lol. It’ll be here Tuesday as well. I have GH Ph up and Ph Down that an old grower buddy of mine gave me before he passed away.


That’s a winner in my book :nerd_face::+1:

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Just looked like you splashed when watering to me.


I did spray them with some water but that was days ago and it just now popped up…if I just spent all this money for nothing I swear•_• but I can always use it down the road if it’s nothing. The lower growth definitely has a textbook calcium deficiency but I just wrote it off as old growth doing old growth things. I’ll get a pic.



It has a LITFA deficiency :crazy_face:
She looks healthy to me brother !


Hey @GrowTheAtlas IMHO, I don’t like the looks of that ‘spot’ on your lower leaf…You have a necrotic lesion with a yellow halo around it…plus it’s on a lower leaf! It says fungus to me…I’d remove that leaf and throw it out in the compost pile…just keep an eye out for similar lesions on other leaves…good luck

Lack of soil life… that’s why I don’t like dry amendments.
You can throw as many minerals at it as you want, you still need living microbes for processing.
And fungi and bacteria need carbohydrates.
Topdress with fresh bananapeels and fresh kitchenscraps.
Get some mold going in there.

Edit: Could also very well be from splashing water.

LITFA is definitely appropriate too.

If it costs you money then it’s not the best solution.


Definitely a ph problem! And calmag.

I agree with gpas looks like some over splash from when you watered your plants.
They look fine imo


I have exactly the same spotting on a couple of leaves, the spots are almost transparent, I’ve left it to see if it gets worse but it hasnt, so its time for some LITFA.


Give them a good mulch layer to get that soil life poppin. Maybe a good kelp meal tea. And while youre at it make sure your soil doesn’t dry out at all. This way your soil gets better with time rather than worse​:grin::purple_heart: