Anyone can double their yields with some manual labor

Run two generations of plants under the same lights. You’ll only need a blackout place to rotate each group for flowering. I used 9 am/pm, ran 12 plants, two groups of 6, under a 400 HPS. I yielded 14 ounces in 56 days.

The last time I did this was 2017, and it’s a lot of work. I found its best to do it in winter, where I’m usually homebound. Bonus was I could yield enough in 6 months in winter to just shut down the grow in summer.

I learned something interesting, flowering plants don’t seem to care how many hours of light they get as long as they get that 12 hours of dark. As a drunken stoner, I’m not perfect with time. I forgot to rotate more than once, so one generation got 24 hours of light then 12 hours of dark, and I could not detect any difference in taste, yield or strength. I was growing a strain called Rosetta Stone at the time.


So I take it that you were running autos?

You could do that with two tents and one light.
Only moving the lamp instead of the plants.

And you can run auto’s without needing a tent or blackout place at all.

But if you don’t have the space and insist on photo’s then what you did is pretty nifty.


A lot of work imo , but if you have the time and drive not a bad way of maximizing limited equipment.


No autos. They barely existed in the era i grew them in, 2000s


My auto assumption was based on the above, maybe it was a typo. :grinning:

I have wondered about this…good to see someone has tried it. I am not aware of any timers that would allow us to take advantage though. Not really conclusive, need some more confirmation but this could make a huge difference if confirmed.

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I’ve said this 100 times I run all my plants on 12/12 lighting for the last 3 years photos and autos all in the same tent you have good genetics plants will grow you have shot seeds well you know the answer

You can also check my grow logs it’s all 12/12 lighting


I do the same now, partly inspired by you.


messed around with lighting when I first started growing I couldn’t find any difference ,I did find bad genetic seeds always start small no matter what light you give them,that’s why now if I think a plant not going
To grow anymore it gets pulled,I’m not growing one ounce plants anymore lol


they start slow you mean?

Do you mean you ran them on a 24/12 schedule the whole time they were flowering, and they switched from veg to flower with 24/12? Or do you just mean that you screwed up a few times with the light schedule and they didn’t herm? As far as potency being affected, just smoking it might not be enough to tell if it’s a minor hit on potency; you’re not gonna tell the difference between 15% THC and 13.5% without testing extraction yields, or better yet lab testing.

Running plants on 12/12 from seed is completely irrelevant to this conversation, not sure why you guys are going on about it. It’s not what the OP was about, and everyone knows what’ll happen. They’ll veg slower, and then go into flower as soon as they’re sexually mature.

You can just tell a plant not going to grow any taller I give them couple of months of growing ,if it hasn’t reached the height I’m looking it’s bye bye lol,I’m at that stage in growing i can’t do the little plants anymore ,
At the start it was cool free smoke,if you put your sweat
And blood into a grow,has to be worth it


There’s 100 ways to skin a cat and the bloke is talking about 12 hours of dark so that means he’s running 12/12 lighting does it not

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Maybe. If so, it’s tangential to the idea, which is moving your plants in and out of the grow to double up… the part that’s remarkable is running 24/12 rather than 12/12, if that’s what he meant.

No typo, I just forgot to switch cycles. Only happened once or twice, but it never seemed to matter to the plants. Maybe my Rosetta Stone were made of a highly stable genetics? Anyway, I grew them for years with no genetics issues like hermaphrodite

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I’ve never had a hermie plants and I forget to turn my lights on all the time lol
I have a different style of growing weed works fine for me maybe not others

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24/12 was not frequently used. Just when I was too drunk to care, lol

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Ok; interesting theory, but I’d want to see plants go into flower from 24/12 and stay that way with a consistent schedule before accepting that they don’t care about light hours being >12. Being stressed for a few nights because the light schedule was messed up isn’t necessarily gonna cause herms, and certainly isn’t gonna cause reveg. Maybe I’ll give it a try with this next set of photos, if I flower them in the tent I can see what happens from a week or two of 24/12 before switching over to 12/12 if/when it doesn’t work.


24/12 was accidental. I would wish to keep my 12/12 intact, but it also inevitable that I would screw it up. I’m NOT recommending a 24/12 flowering schedule unless you have the resources to check it out. I’d love, LOVE, to see a grower experiment with this idea.

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