Interesting Study On 13/11 Photoperiod


Longer Photoperiod Substantially Increases Indoor-Grown …

Web6 days ago · Ahrens, A.; Llewellyn, D.; Zheng, Y. Longer Photoperiod Substantially Increases Indoor-Grown CannabisYield and Quality: A Study of Two High-THC Cultivars G**rown** …


Interesting article, @Upstate you might want to read.


That seems logical providing you’re not exceeding the dli.

I’ve read that 10/11 hrs light produces a shorter plant with a faster flowering response.

At 12-12 it’s alleged that the plant stays in the intermediary period longer than with 10/14 or 11/13


An interesting thing to note is that this study was done at 540 ppfd. The difference may be minimal when flowering above 850ppfd. Wish they did a touch more but thank you thank you @jimihendrix1942 for uploading this


Anyone ever go down to 10/14 after half the flowering time at 12/12?

Anyone think that buds started at 10/14 would stress out if switched to 12/12 half way threw flower?

edit- ChatGPT Yes, some growers do experiment with changing light cycles during the flowering stage to potentially influence plant growth and development. One common technique is to start with a 12/12 light cycle for the initial flowering period and then switch to a shorter light cycle, such as 10/14, later in the flowering stage. This approach is often referred to as a “light-deprivation” or “light manipulation” technique.

The idea behind this technique is that starting with a longer light cycle (12/12) during the initial flowering phase encourages robust flower development and stretch, while transitioning to a shorter light cycle (10/14) later in the flowering stage may help stimulate resin production and potentially shorten the overall flowering time.

As for whether buds started at 10/14 would stress out if switched to 12/12 halfway through flowering, it’s possible that such a change in light cycle could cause some stress to the plants. Abrupt changes in light cycle can sometimes lead to temporary stress responses in plants, which could manifest as slowed growth, leaf discoloration, or other signs of stress.


im all for chat gpt, but straight up info - it still gets a lot of things wrong. specially in niche subjects like cannabis growing. playing with it just for kicks, it told me bodhi was the breeder for biker kush and gave me some questionable growing practices as facts with lots of eloquence.


I usually just ask it things I know already to affirm my recollection.


Increasing light hrs from 12-12 to 13.15hrs caused this to happen.

You can see its been growing fine at 12-12 and then the growth has changed at 13.15hrs.

A 2nd plant was also put in the bin over this error.

However a 3rd plant was unaffected and it’s doing well.

It’s been doing well all along.


Strains will flip to flower at different times based on genetics. Some photos will flower under 18hrs of light but most will only flower at 14hrs or less. Others need 12 or less. Otherwise you get reveg like the first plant did there.


After watching a YouTube video I was left wondering if you could start with 10/11 then increase the hrs to 11/12 to get the benefits of the shortest plant and the hrs of light to increase weight.

Now I know its ok with at least some and others it wouldn’t work.

Fwiw I also flipped 3 clones into 13.15hrs and none of them were affected negatively.


If I’m playing with light schedule I generally go down. Start with 16/8 and go down to 12/12. More light more yields


Yeah of course when youre that far under DLI another hour is gonna help. What a terrible study lol. I veg under more DLI than that these days


I do 12/12 for the first 4 or 5 weeks then go down to 11/13 and anything over 9 weeks I go down to 10.5/13.5. Seems to work for me and saves me like 20 bucks.

Never gone from 10/14 to 12/12… I see the interest in keeping plants squat but wouldn’t you just keep the 10/14 going and maybe go another week??


money shot: “However, cannabis’ photoperiod responses are strongly cultivar-dependent; growers must investigate the effects of photoperiods with their own specific cultivars and cultivation systems.”
IOW : your mileage may vary…


I seen mammoth posted this on their IG.

crusing through the comments I seen a dude claim he runs 13-11 at the start of flower and finishes the last 10 days at 18-6.

My brain malfunctioned at the end of that statement.


I’ve heard Rasta Jeff of Irie genetics suggest 18/6 for the last 10 days of flower. His idea (from my stoned memory of his podcast a couple years ago) was that it takes long enough to hormonally switch gears that you’ll get more flower growth with the extra light.


Interesting. I’d be a bit nervous of herms especially with certain cultivars but hey… cool experiment for down the road.

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In my experience they herm from too high light intensity rather than duration.

The plants that I accidentally revegged never gave me nanners or anything like that.


The response of plants to the different light hours is very likely heavily dependent on each plant’s genetics as I am sure has been mentioned here or elsewhere. Just something to keep in mind if trying this. One of the hard things with cannabis science is how complicated cannabis genetics are and how relatively little we know.

Just a friendly reminder! Don’t want to see anyone busting up a perfect grow without knowing there may be some drawbacks!!

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I think you want to signal to the plant that it’s growing time is coming to its end, with less and less light hrs.
Raising light hrs to 12 12 after using 10 14 would send the wrong signal, and possibly cause the plant to grow lots of new small leaflets in the buds, called reflower(?) In Cali for some reason, but Id call it revegging. Could also trigger a hermie response.
I like lowering the flower time in 15 minute increments every couple/ few weeks best, but can’t always do so. I try to at least lower the cycle 30 minutes if nothing else. If it takes a bit longer, and I believe it does, that’s OK. An older plant is more potent anyway…I think…this has caused me to reconsider…
Here’s some bud grown with a 6 hour on, 18 hr off cycle. That isn’t a typo. Strange outcome. Hard to believe it isn’t paint or pm, but the guy says it’s resin. @LoveofLandrace will have the details. Certainly saves on electricity.