13 hours light for veg & 11 hours light for flowering

One of my plants is currently following this schedule, still vegging.

It’s been my fastest growing plant so far.

Would be interesting if more people try it and report back here, because genetics may play a large part as well as it’s Secret Dragon, a cross made of a bunch of Bodhi strains. But if it happens across all strains then everyone can save a bunch of money on electricity every year.

It seems because they are starved of light from the get-go, it makes them hungry and they hurry up in search for more, as in the wild it would be because of the surrounding vegetation, rocks, etc.

Always question the validity of the old ways. More does not equal better.

Thanks to everyone who wants to try this!


Some strains will flower under 13 hours of light. Ive had strains go into flower then reveg by going outside to early at just under 14 hours even. Wasnt all of them. But it happened sadly.


In my experience below 14will induce flower in most strains, but if 13 is working then rock out! Are you using a far red initiator or anything?

I’ve had strains flower at 14 hours of light.
I wouldn’t go below 15, just to be safe. But if you have a strain that loves that short day… I guess, let it do it’s thing?


Leggy light starved plants are in no way better. It’s a full sun plant; no need to mess with the program. You want a strong plant going into flower.

Almost every plant will start flowering under 14 hrs, at least partially. Many will partially flower at 16.


Nothing weak about it, at all, topped 5 times.
Had 12 today. Going to 11 tomorrow.


Uhhh. Because it’s starting to flower. That’s the “stretch”

Also, why all the dead leafy greens hanging around, I know your trying to “compost” but all your doing is asking for a bug infestation.

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Do you run 13h on then 11h off? I’d think many strains would start flowering early being that close to 12/12

I’ve read about and am interested in a 13 hour light schedule but I’d go 12h on, 5.5h off, 1h on, 5.5h off to break up the dark cycle

I’m running 12 on from 10pm to 10am and from 2-6pm. Cheapest electric rates for me.

Interested if yours will flower under such a low amount of light hours.

That’s, and I mean this in a nicest way possible, not a particularly large/strong plant my dude. It’s probably also starting to flower, at least partially.

You’re not gonna grow 2 small plants in a closet with your own piss and leaves and somehow change the fundamentals people have been confirming over and over for 35+ years. You are not the first person to mess with light cycles. After you’ve grown more, you’ll find there is a usually a good reason why people do the things they do. If I could veg on 13 hours and save money…I would.

I strongly recommend to do at the very least 16 hrs/day veg. 17-18 preferably.

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It’s not science until it’s repeatable. If you think you’re onto something put more time into it, if you’re right the evidence will prove such.

11 hrs light, 13 dark has been the ratio that works best for me to get some strains to flower at all.
I haven’t noticed any unusual growth spurts though.

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Realistically speaking, this is just a slight variation to running 12/12 from seed. Your plants are very likely beginning flower as soon as they are sexually mature–which typically happens 4-8 weeks from sprout–without waiting for you to change the lighting from 13/11 → 12/12 → 11/13.


I like what dude said above. I’m sure hundreds of growers over the years have done comparable side by side grows with every possible time configuration there possibly could be to find the optimum growth Rates in both stages. I’m like you and question everything about why it is the way it is with things. And in many cases there is no Rhythm or rhyme why things are the way they are, or we are lied to about why things are the way they are(society ex.) but I’m pretty sure there’s good reason why the guidelines for growing are what they are. But by all means It doesn’t mean you have to follow them! You can grow however you want and see for yourself how it goes. In my first grow I found out growing in temps above the recommended 85 degrees the plant grows just fine. They’re just guidelines after all :slightly_smiling_face: