Anyone else having site access issues?

Hey all!

Currently I am unable to access the site over my regular method (wifi), currently I can only browse via cellular data. I haven’t tried my VPN yet but I suspect that will work ok.

Anyone else having issues getting OG to load? (seems kind of silly to ask this on the forum itself, being that some people may not have an alternative means to connect to here lol)


No problem using my PC / wifi over here.

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VPN of course works. (posting right now via my wifi connected to a VPN)

Must be something on our (USA) side of things.

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I’m fine. No issue’s this morning or evening.

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do other sites work over your wifi?

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Yep, all the other sites I frequent are working fine, reset modem and router, tried several computers, it’s just some kind of access issue via wifi (no VPN) again, If I use VPN it works fine.

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what happens if you open a command prompt and type ‘tracert’ ?

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Makes about 7 hops then requests time out.

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I can’t use my wifi either.

hmm well if it works with a vpn thats all that matters right, always use a condom :smiley:


Still rockin’ in the free world.


Everything is fine here in AUS OG and Discord working problem free, fast as ever.


Wifi is working now.

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Always thought you were a Mexican Pedro lol


Well I am south of a border :slight_smile:


Arrrrrrriiiiiiibbbbbbaaaaaa. Dances round sombrero :rofl:


Ok here on a pc but my old samsmug tablet wont let me access OG. It just shows a box with - connection problem, couldn’t establish a secure connection! It’s a piece of crap though so not surprised lol

Salutations JellyPowered,

Good idea, there are hackers everywhere and no reason this board would be different. It comes with the human race: obcessed with other humans instead of the topics at hand… Too late for me, i’m ready to bet Justin’s database already knows everything there is to learn about me anyway, be smarter and plan from the start!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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Maybe your ISP is blocking the site? Im in the US and have no issues other than occasional slow load times or the few times the site has gone down for a while.

However, the other day I was in the doc’s office waiting for my wife and tried to log on on my phone and the free wifi service the dr’s office provides refused to let me got to OG or some other pot related sites, bit it did let me on others. I got a warning saying the site was blocked due to “drugs” or something.


Working fine today now lol odd