Anyone Seen a Male Hermi?

It is different a bit. But the only real way to know what will happen is to continue to explore and see what’s what.


It’s something some will explore while others will avoid. For me it’s not logical or practical to play with those types of genetics but best of luck on your adventures. There is alot of documented info on the use of hermi plants in the horticulture industry. There are several different schools of thought on this subject , there are beneifts and down sides it’s just not what I’m trying to to with my work.

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A Monoecious male with a pure female branch.


Hope your theory is correct because this is (C99×Skunk#1)×(RKS×Chem91) that I am F2ing RN…


I have Blue Bonnet that was 4:4 male:female of 8 plants. But all four males had some female flowers. I OPd the males and one of them set seed. I don’t have any particular plans with these, but I would be curious to see how they screen for sex. I sort of suspect you could make a male monecious variety from it. It could be cool if you could make a variety that has a skewed sex representation towards full females. But it would also have to not have difficult to ID, slightly intersex females (type 5). And since feminization technology exists, there isn’t really a purpose for it… unless you are growing a food-seed crop. Supposedly, old school hazes (known to be prone to intersex plants) often skew female from seed (all Cannabis can do that, but unusually high, like 70% -so I hear.)

The attached pictures are from “the cultivation of hemp” by ivan bocsa

Also this book has an interesting (though not necessarily conclusive or accurate) discussion of cannabis sex


Dioecious = male and female parts on completely separate plants like a kiwi
Moneciouse = male and female parts on the same plant but separate from each other like a squash
Hermaprhodite = male and female parts on the same plant at the same flower site , like roses and tomatoes.
The crazy thing is cannabis can do all three and all of those traits have been interbred due to a long history of domestication.


Great references, thanks for posting that.