Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

With all the Feminizing going on and Intersex Traits being present in most strains today the Genetics are getting polluted. I believe that people will wise up and start wanting f3’s and better and will be willing to pay for them. This is what is needed to produce good fems.


I’ve Always liked my Photo Regs.
I can tell if I get a male. Sometimes I even want one.
Give me a Photo I can grow outside anyday over a fem. Just my liking is all. :green_heart::v:
But I do agree with you 100%!
I believe stronger genetics in Regular seed. JMO


The gold is going to be hard leaning sativa or hard leaning indica regs.

The ability to make your own crosses without muddy waters is a very good thing.


for indoor i like photo reg. but outdoor, i would like auto reg. i ain’t waiting 5-6 months to harvest :joy::joy:

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i am starting to try selective breeding and understand the f1 f2 f3 thing. need more study on back crossing. therefore i have a question maybe someone can help with. f1 vigor is what we want in growth. f3 three is what we want for our buds. if i understand it right moving to f3 loses growth vigor. this confuses me as far as selection goes. the way i understand this? tells me to go for f1s and maybe f2 as a bit more selection in trade off for vigor. f3 and beyond if using that f3 to make with an f1 or use other cross? am i in the parking lot?


Your on the right track. A proper f1 cant really be replicated at f2 or f3 or f4. When you use two proper true breeding different plants an cross them together you enter the land of the titans. Similar to the legend of fallen angels breeding with humans which in the first generation of the crossing of the two species end up creating huge monstrous giants better an stronger than both parent species. Also a balance is reached were a mid way point of the best of both sides is found. Replicating that in the same way with the same titan power cant really be done the same way in f2 or f3-f4 ect. But thats in hybrids. You can also get stable ibl lines that are true breeding an usualy have been worked to have fixed traits wich have been selected an worked to bring out the best something has to offer. Something like a well worked landrace .These also have their own great value.


It’s too easy to make seeds. They’ll never not be available.

There is no looming scarcity.


The scarcity will be the Landraces.
Especially with Arjan giving away/trading his GHSeeds to all the farmers on his strain hunts.


The intersex traits in s1 or whatever now are coming about because alot of breeders are not stress testing plants before reversing them. They just pick a plant spray it with sts make seeds an put them out. A s1 from a f1 isnt what causes the issue, its bad breeding practices an taking the easiest an fastest way of just making seeds. Alot of seed lines made via something hermieing are being put out too which then have that issue in the genes. An they are being futher bred with


If a breeder was to breed 2 f3 together, I’ll take a cross of it if I’m looking for those genetics, even though that cross would still be considered a f1 breeding.
The F1’s place in breeding is to add multiple plants genetics at one time. This will save time by making the by not having to make that particular breeding. Quite often any giving cross is readily available, so why not take advantage of it.
Due to my be time saving factor, I don’t think there is any way to eliminate the f1 out of breeding programs. Just my opinion.


thanks for the response.@vernal not worried about shortages? been maken them for 40 yrs. anything you could add or suggest about the question of selection?

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Let me load up Great Lake Genetics and… nope, no shortage of regular seeds.

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Russian Ruderalis Ruins Strains…1982
Autos stunt Marijuana Strains… 1997
Photos are Gold… 2022

Makes sense to me, Photos Rule!


man the angles of heaven had shared their presents with me @NIGHTMARE . thanks that was nice to was understandable. i am going back to check my titan methodology just to make sure i did not miss anything. nature is so awesome. landrace. happy 420.


like that @Blu-Tri and understanding / knowing progression. thank you.

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Breeding is so interesting. Really wish I had the space to do pheno hunts and get into the nitty gritty of it all.

Especially if I could get my hands on some Landrace or OG genetics.

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@anon84307778 keep on growing. before you know it you will be into the nitty gritty of it.


Once you turn a wolf into a chihuahua you can’t turn a chihuahua back into a wolf-Clakamascoot….


i like that analogy! gonna have to remember that one. good ole mr coot.

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A lot of guys can handle the mechanics of breeding, but they lack the true knowledge of behind it.
Experience is the key.
Many guys have multiple versions of the same strain and don’t even know it. Breeders don’t continuously collect the same strain because they know better.
Good breeding knowledge will comes over time, as the experience increases.
The best thing I can tell anyone who wants to breed indoor, is to get good at small container growing. Often one gallon plants can get too large and outgrow the space. But solo cups demand daily attention.
The more you grow, the more you know. Peace. Happy 420!