Anyone that has run roots organic buddah grow/bloom line HELP!

I’m running this line, I have done nothing yet besides early on sprinkling some uprising grow, and 1 microbe charge with trinity because I havent needed to im just starting week 3 of flower and I started a brew with a half dose of everything pretty much maybe a tad bit less than a half of the ones that say 15ml per gallon. It’s been mixing for 26 hours the ppm is 550 but the ph is 4.5 is this normal? I was expecting to have to drop it. I cleaned my ph probe tested my tap water and tested this again and it seems this is really 4.5 I’m just it sure if I did something wrong here


I put in everything from Buddha grow to cal mag on that list and nothing after cal mag. Nothing after that and all half dose at most

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Completely unfamiliar myself but hoping someone can get you straightened out!


I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Just bump it back up. Something went haywire.

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Yea I was a little too worried A local grower that has used them for a while Told me that was how it usually was for him to. I’ve never had a feeding drop that low with the nutes I’ve been using before this and I was gettin so scared with all the ph up I was adding lol but I’m calmed down now

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Thank you!!

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I always use my foxfarm bushdoctor supplements. Big Bloom and Kelp and Microbe. Makes everything PH perfect at 6.5. One less thing I have to worry about. Coco/Soil/Perlite

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Bought some of their Terp Tea Bloom and tried last grow. Started with water at 8.2 ph, mixed at about 3/4 recommended strength, let it brew 24 hours with aeration and it dropped the ph hard too. Ended up around 4.8. Had to use a ridiculous amount of ph up to get it in range. Back to ff this go round myself.

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Just something to consider since u guys are having pH swinging so far down and is pretty much available everywhere is throw a tsp of fireplace ash and a half tsp of gypsum per gallon brewed into ur tea bag. Fireplace ash is alkaline and can organically swing u back up and gypsum is a great “soil conditioner” that gives a nice pH buffer.

Both of those might improve the teas ph as well as gives u some extra K for ur plants :slight_smile:

Hope this helps


Hey @AzSeaindooin420
I’m currently trying to find a way to raise ph organically when mixing nuts myself.
I’ve been using baking soda as a ph up but I am afraid of sodium build up overtime.
When my plants need water I have to use vinegar to lower ph every time into 6.4 range and when the plants need fert I have to use ph up every time into 6.4 range. Will gypsum prevent . I made a thread about uses bud ashes to raise ph. Can I tag you in that?

How does the gypsum work? I don’t really understand the buffering part