Bicarbonate of soda to up ph

Hi folks, earlier today I ran out of my Ph up liquid and ended up using bicarbonate of soda to up the ph. Hope I haven’t screwed up. Would that be ok, especially if in a pinch? Thanks.

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Eh, NaHCO3 isn’t gonna be the end of the world but sodium probably isn’t the best to be adding to your system; but I’ve used it in a pinch and it was fine.

  • BD

You should be ok, you actually don’t normally use enough to initiate negative results. My last grow, I had Two 55-gallon barrels of Water/Nutes on my Deck. I’ve used Baking Soda or White Vinegar for up/down corrections, no problems noted (of course, I diffuse/bubble my barrels for 30 minutes before watering). SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

Hi @misterbee, thanks, actually I needed very little so it was it. But for future reference, you say bubble, do you mean to say you use an air pump to bubble the water like they do with aired compost tea? Yet, I do want to be ready in case I need to either use White Vinegar or Baking Soda in future situations. Thanks again.


Yes, I pour my Nutes in, hang my “Tea Bag”, diffuse/bubble (with 20" diameter diffuser Hose/935 GPH Air Pump with T-splitter) BOTH barrels. I do this WHENEVER I feed OR whenever adding either water or additional Nutes. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: