Aphids at harvest time?

I got aphids and it’s harvest time. I’ve never dealt with this before. What do I do?

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I’d say if you’ve got to have aphids, harvest is the best time. Go ahead and chop. When the plant dries sufficiently the aphids will leave to find another plant to eat.

Chop and trim when fresh, then wash your buds in a 3 to 5 gal bucket of water with a half cup of lemon juice, half cup of baking soda, and optional, a half cup of 2% hydrogen peroxide all mixed together, gently swoosh them about in the mix for a few minutes, then rinse them off twice in two clean buckets of water lay out on some paper towels to dry off or hang and drip dry.


I agree totally with the 2 learned gentleman
Statements above



Does a budwash and a wet trim effect bud quality?


No it won’t effect the potency at all

Use room temperature water not cold


Lemon juice, baking soda, and peroxide? How’s it going to taste after all that? Even if it’s washed with plain water after.

by the time the bud dries, all the Lemon juice, baking soda, and peroxide will be gone , just remember to rinse the bud at the end. Its like do u eat ure vegetables without cleaning them , same concept

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It sounds weird and backwards af to me as well, but it works brother. I’ve done peroxide and water wash and lemon juice and baking soda wash. Did side by side with same plant no difference in taste or potency. The amount of shit that comes off your weed outdoor or indoor grown is down right filthy. The buds do look nice and bright and clean afterwards and they drip dry within a couple hours just hang em like you normally would to dry with air circulation. If it’s harvest time and your plant is showing issues I’d have to say harvest it before you lose any or more bud almost always.


Harvesting over 100 cbd plants now.
I use 20 gallon washes. 1st wash is 32 oz lemon juice to 20 gallons water
2cnd is full box (little over 2 cups baking soda) to 20 gal h2o
3rd is 32oz hydrogen peroxide to 20 gal h2o
And 4th is just plain water.
The shit in there, I wash EVERY outdoor grow. There are a lot of nasties in that water.

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With a proper rinse? It will taste like it should.

Do it once. Go get white buckets so you can see the nasties better. I do a separate bucket for each, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, plus 2 more buckets for clean rinse. Just wait till you see the crud that comes off.

Oh, and the oil slick on top? Thats not the good oil, in fact, thats the oil that makes you cough during a dab. Feel free to send that down the drain too.

Then I fan dry them for 6-8 hours, and hang to final dry in a tent at 60F / 60RH.

Its scary at first, but You’ll be happy you did it…

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As others have stated it will not affect taste so long as you do the rinses in clean water each time, it will improve the flavour once you get all the dust hair and other crap off it that accumulates, even in a indoor grow.

I have actually missed rinsing a batch among eight lots I once did, it justed tasted a bit lemony, not as nice as when rinsed but still usable.

What u end up doing , any pictures @55DaViD