Aphids, Deer Ticks

I too am a Spey Fisherman, I do love it and have been fortunate to have several good friends who are expert Spey fisherman and expert guides I learn from. I have taken many a hard packed snowball in the back of the head when I am not following Spey protocols as my guides are behind me coaching. I have been at it for about 25 years. Re: bugs, so I got another aphid infestation several weeks ago as I have some 5 week old autos had them on the stem, this time I used hydrogen peroxide diluted and sprayed. So far so good, sprayed soil also. They are somewhere in here now so I am going to use new pots etc, all winter, not sure even if I steam cleaned it would help so wait till spring for a big cleanup and nothing whatsoever from outside coming in to the grow areas.