Pre Grow sterilization

Alright everyone, time to address the elephant in my room. I really appreciate all the replys I got on my last question. I am 99% sure I will be buying a new 2x4 Gorilla tent for my flowering area.

The question of what steps to take in restarting growing after a 3 year break leads me to my biggest concern. Sterilization and IPM.

The issue is that I am pretty sure that I had a broad/russet mite infestation during my last couple of runs, I shut down in the spring of 17’. I was doing a bunch of stuff to try to keep it under control, but my last run was tossed. It looked and smelled pretty decent, but when smoked I noticed a moldy type flavor, which unfortunately I have experienced before. The bud had no visible rot or mold (we have very low humidity, maybe 10% on average). I think the dead mites and their shit caused some type of inner bud mold to occur ? I will post a few pics of that crop.

Regardless, I need a strategy for sterilizing before restarting any beans. The only equipment that I will be reusing will be my 2 ft t5 light that I use to start seeds and veg, and also my seed starter heat mat. I have new t5 bulbs, and I can disassemble the fixture to clean it. I wouldnt think the fixture would still be harboring mites or eggs after 3 years, but will still take the necessary precautions.

The veg tent will go in our extra bathroom, in the tub. Thats where Ive run it before. Pretty easy to clean that with bleach and stuff. However the flower tent goes in our spare bedroom. We have hardwood floors throughout the apartment. They should also be sterilizable.

We do have a couple of houseplants that are in our living room, a jade and a “special” cactus. They have been with us for many years. And we also have a ton of plants going in container on our back porch at the moment. Wife has several types of basil, flowers, and other herbs. I have 7 pretty massive tomatoes going in pots. I know that lots of these plants, tomatoes in particular attract mites. I am planning on starting my seeds/grow well before all of our porch plants are harvested. It starts to get cool here in mid august, but most years my tomatoes go til mid september, which is right around when I would anticipate that I would be flipping my first run. We usually are getting hard freezes by the first week of October, although at 8000 ft anything can happen at any time of year

The knowledgeable members on here have been so helpful since I joined. I am hopefull that I will get some good insight on possible strategies to employ. I know in the 3 years I took off, lots of stuff changed, new products and technologies came out and improved, and also growers improved techniques and strategies. What products should I use ? What steps should I take ? Thank you all in advance.


This is one of the worst looking ones from my last harvest, 3 years ago.

This one wasnt quite as bad looking. But they all had that off flavor of mold.


I wouldn’t think they could still be a problem after three years, but definitely be cleanly when going in/out of said grow room… As well as being clean after interacting with the tomatoes and flowers, bugs suck. And are definitely a bitch. That sucks the flower tasted like mold, should have made some bho…


Im just curious. When you took down ur plants. How was ur soil composition? I guess I’m asking did it harden right up in the center? I’ve come to realize with fabric pots you almost have to water the plants 2x the regular amount. I only say it cuz I’ve had that issue b4. As for the spider mites. Use rubbing alcohol in your tents/rooms maybe some water & bleach or vinegar and simply keep ur work area clean clean clean. Always better safe than sorry. If you were outside… Run ur fingers thru ur hair and shake it. Plus wash ur hands. Those little buggers can and do hold on sometimes than end up in the house. Sooner or later they end up in the 1 place we DONT want them! Best of luck my friend

If sterility is a concern, quit using soil or naturally derived media like coco. You can sterilize soil or peat or coco but it’s laborious.

Use perlite, rockwool, vermiculite, etc.

Mites are not a “death sentence”, they make products that actually eliminate them. Dozens of acaricides on the market. It’s much easier than you’d think, and you never need to throw out plants. inb4 “chemicals bad” types.

Mites can’t live 3 years with no host. However, during the warm season, they’re everywhere, so reinfestation is always a possibility. Don’t take in outside cuts, don’t bring in outside plants to the grow area.

Bleach kills everything.

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Do you live in the city or in the country?
I immagine a more harsh IPM in a city context because there is no balance outside…hence pest can easly take over…
I got a whole run ruined by BM a year ago…never seen one again…but i also spread various predators in my property and try to slowly rebuild the soil…
To get to the point , i would say dont overthink the sterility of the grow area/ house/property…I clean my room first with a normal mopping, then a bleach mop and when im very diligent i also spray sulfur on floors and walls…
That should be enough…
Then I would get some poison because the first step of an eventual start of war is always kill em all first, (either poisons or changing environmental parameters) and then introduce predators…
As far as weapon against BM i always suggest the properly done abamectin plus an eggicide like hexytiazox…They are nasty, you need protection but they are used in all the produce that we eat (not that is a guarantee hehe) they are meant to use in edible crops…
Plus you spray ONLY in veg . Do some research on Abamectin , comes froma soil bacteria…it quickly degradates by light ,but its action is translaminar…enters in the tissue and stays for about 45 days…transforming the leaf ina bait…super effective against those basterds…even doh is proved that mites can develop resistance if the sprays are not properly done…
Dont get nothing that is for ornamentals…
So after a quick cleanup and treating the veggin plant with those miticides and then introducing some predator you shoul be fine!
Like vernal said, theyr not a death sentence but hey online there are many weird stories of peeps havin them for years…i would love to know wtf they did wrong…it cant be like that… :laughing:
Good luck!!!


Thanks for the advice. I am familiar with abamectin, and I use bleach and iso regularly as part of my regular cleaning. I dont get clones from others (anymore) got wayyy too many seeds to pop. I suppose I live in the “country”. The heart of the rocky mountains. The nearest city is about 2 hours drive, when the roads are perfect !

Ah perfect! Even if there are peeps that use miticides as preventive measure to control an eventual re invasion, the Pesticide companies do not endorse this practice because it could lead to resistance to those chemicals…
After the BM ruined run, i sprayed the clones with those miticides as a preventive but the next run i stopped for that reason and just spread some Swirski and Ambiseyulus all around the house, in bushes, paths garden…and of course a lil bit on the plants too…
I think that if you dont see any BM/damage is prolly better start with predators or some poison that is less annoyn to deal with …but still effective like Spinosad 11,6%
Spinosad kills also beneficials so…be aware of the order of application and the degradation rate that i think is a week for spinosad… :pirate_flag: