Are autoflowers sensitive to light leaks?

I’m just curious, in your guys experience, are autoflowers are less or more sensitive to light leaks during their dark cycle? Can it cause them to hermie? Some people grow them under 24 hours of light so does that mean they are fine with some light during their dark cycles?


I’ve wondered that too. But I’ve read where people use them in places where light pollution would be a problem


In my experience, they don’t seem to be affected by the Light Cycle. They grow according to the Season. Good luck, stay safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :100:


My Northern lights auto’s from Seedsman were not real sensitive , i opened them many time in the dark where light go in, they didnt herm, so thats all i am saying the ones i grew didnt seen to care.


I only grew one but, she was in the veg tent on 6/18 the whole time. Never worried about light leaks. would have run 24 but if no advantage, less electricity.


I always found they plateaued around 20 hours. More light doesn’t give more growth past then


Good to know.


Cannabis will sleep :sleeping: for 4 hours regardless of a light being on or off. So you may as well save on your power bill and turn the lights off for at least a 4 hour cycle.

Autos that I have grown were specifically used because of light pollution outside, I have not experienced any problems due to light with them.


Can you force flower an auto when they’re only 6.5"-7"?

I wouldnt think so, since autos flower at a predetermined number of days instead of being triggered by light cycle. That being said, I think most autos would be starting to get into preflower not too much after hitting the height you mention


You can’t do it by light schedule, but you can (to some degree) induce flowering even a week earlier on autoflowers by keeping them in way too small pots, the beginning 1-3 weeks. But that will very easily also compromise their final size… even if you later transplant them into a bigger pot.


The negative fallout is, transplanting at that late stage normally stalls their growth cycle for a week or two. My experience indicates that compromises their final growth height AND bulk. From Cradle to the Grave, Autos will ONLY require so much time. Others may have a different opinion, just my observations. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


True, but only If the transplant induces stress but if transplanted correctly, it wouldn’t cause stress or enough stress to affect growth. My current plants (Cheesecake) are honestly very sensitive to light intensity, nutes, and waterings but I chose to transplant about 3 maybe 4 weeks into flowering from a 3 gal plastic pot to a fabric pot with 6.5 gal of soil. The roots were fairly crowded but not rootbound. Once I transplanted it, I couldn’t notice absolutely no stress or slowed growth. Seemed like I didn’t do anything. Not to mention which I’m not trying to say I don’t have fuck upset bc I do with other things but all the plants I’ve grown, I’ve transplanted at least twice (3 pots total), I have never stressed the plants out enough to see any symptoms of transplant shock whatsoever. Obviously I have before with other usual plants just not weed