Are PO Boxes Safer?

Are PO Boxes really safer than mailboxes for shipping seeds in prohibition states? I get not having the seeds land at the OP, but I would think having to give ID for the PO Box would make it harder to deny.


It probably doesn’t protect you from the law at all but at the very least you ensure your safety and anonymity from the community. I would never want anyone to know my home address where I live and grow, even though it’s federally legal now in Canada.

Even through legalization the black market is alive and well and jackers still exist. Weed still has a high value. In the end you’re giving your address out to a stranger on the internet and you really have no clue who they are so I think for this reason it’s best to use a PO box when trading seeds.

One can never be too safe. :vulcan:


Yea, I definitely know they’re still out there and many would jack their own mama for $100. Still a few of the people I grew up with out there doin the same shit 15 years later. I was primarily concerned with Leo, and purchased from reputable distributors when I asked. Still wouldn’t send them to an active site. Jackboyz want ya, they’re gonna get ya.

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Not really.

Maling seeds in the united states is very safe. At most you get a seizure customs letter saying they took your seeds, that’s it. If so, try again. You would be hard pressed to find a lot of people being arrested for buying seed.

*Its always a good habit not to have them mailed to your grow address though,legal or not.


@corners @paintedfire420 all true.

It’s the “OP” they’re interested in & no LEOs are using seed shipments to ID "OP"s… they use narcs & technology. :unamused:

Any cop caught doing that kind of homework would be ‘wasting company time.’

This of course varies… big city vs. small/rural area. Where I live they only show up for murders & afterwards(high crime, low-income). Where I was raised, skateboarders are fined & driving speed-limits were enforced by bored stazi bastards(no crime, high-income).

DEA uses google to find outdoor grows because it’s easier & cheaper.

Then subcontracts the ‘raid’ to paramilitary contractors & washes their hands of it.



Haha yeah I’m not worried. Someone want to try their luck I would say try it. To do a home invasion on a house that they are not sure of isnt smart even for a jacker. I would hope you’re using a VPN at least then

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I’m not sure I like that post much tbh.

Seems like you know a lot of people who have been jacked. Seems awfully coincidental. My safe address is still someone I care about. You being from north east Haha i don’t want u showing up there with your veiled threats. Thanks but no thanks.

Yeah it’s an unfortunate byproduct of prohibition. I’ve been involved with cannabis my whole life and those scenarios are an unfortunate truth. This ain’t my first rodeo. I’ve also known several people to get shot, stabbed, killed and imprisoned. Does that mean I’m also a murdered and an ex con?

What are you on about veiled threats?

Oh, that was the member who is local to me. This is what happens when you don’t use a p.o. box. You accidentally give your info to a local person and then go back into the shadows out of paranoia.

So who just anonymized themselves because of this shit?


It was Poppa Puff. He completely misinterpreted what I was saying. I guess he never took part in cannabis during prohibition. :shrug:

Use a PO BOX and USE PRIVNOTE people. I told everyone who wanted my seeds to send me a privnote and almost everyone just put their address in the inbox.

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It can be more dangerous using a po box. Your stuff is sitting at the post office until you grab it and has a higher chance of being sniffed out than sitting in your mailbox. Nowadays to get a po box you have to have id anyways.

I also think people can overthink things sometimes,making things more complicated than it needs to be. Keep it simple. The more variables, the more avenues for arrest

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I couldn’t have said it any easier.

Back in 2000 it wasn’t all they got, customs would call the locals. No warrant all in the name of Homeland Security Act.
Believe I have first hand experience.

If you don’t want the person sending you something to know where you live, then a PO box or a friend’s address is a good idea.

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