August Platform Upgrade Complete



Thanks @LemonadeJoe this is so rad!! I’m looking so much forward to seeing what’s new in this update!



I am enjoying this upgrade for sure! Totally worth the trauma of doing adult things and adult responsibilities. Couldnt smoke that bowl yet due to parent responsibilities :laughing:


I could be mistaken but there seems to be some changes to the way Private Messages are saved for viewing in our profiles. Thank you for helping to make accessing and viewing past messages a bit easier than before. This is a helpful new format for viewing messages. I could be mistaken but I don’t remember being able to see the avatars and profile pics from members to the side of each message like I can now. It’s helpful to more easily see which message corresponds with which member at a quick glance like that rather than need to open the message up to see who is part of the conversation. I say this because I often have many different PM’s from different members under the same message title and it can become challenging trying to keep them sorted. I’m excited to reply to some messages that have gotten lost in that mix. Thank you to @LemonadeJoe for working towards making this forum the best it can be. It was nostalgic to see the “pleasesmokeabowlwhileyouwait…” prompt. Hope you’re getting some well deserved rest. Many blessings and much love


This ain’t MickeyD’s buuuuuuuut I’m lovin it!!! Thank you @LemonadeJoe These upgrades will be the primary coverage for the OG PODcast episode 5.


Just noticed the new feature that shows replies to individual comments within a given thread as a drop-down icon option. This will help make following conversations within conversations a little easier. Such a neat feature. Many blessings and much love


The new layout for mobile messages is perfect! :+1:t3:


shits lookin fance!!! good work yall!


not sure if it’s the case for anyone else but i keep getting notifications/likes for really old closed threads.




Yeah, it took me a while to get through them.
Had to…OCD, ya know? :laughing:

But! they’re finally gone. :+1:t4:

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Thank you for upgrading discourse. There should be a “color scheme” setting under profile>preferences>interface to select dark mode. Can you enable this please?


Thanks for your time and effort @LemonadeJoe Not so many admins keep their software up to date.


Everything is great. Love the new layout and features.

Only issue is that i cant upload multiple photos at once anymore


I used to dive into the unread posts quite a bit too. I can’t remember how I used to get to them, I think if I clicked on the three horizontal lines there was a filter for them under categories. I’ve found them if I click on “latest” here

Then it shows in the pop up. Not sure I’ve explained it very well.


Thank you. That works for me.

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Good morning, @LemonadeJoe . I noticed an issue I wanted to report to you. When I make a post into a wiki, it removes the edit pencil, so I can not edit the post. If I turn off the wiki, the pencil comes back. Here is a pic with the wiki turned on and turned off. I had to upload the 2 screenshots individually as it wont let anyone upload more than 1 file at a time. Just an FYI as neither of these issues were here prior to the upgrades. Thanks again for all your efforts updating the site. :v:

Edi. Please disregard this @LemonadeJoe , it appears the tools bar now moves so I can drag it left and the edit button appears so this is not an issue after all. Thanks, feel better Joe. :v:


I know you’re on iPhone exclaim|nullxnull, on Android seems to work fine…

I don’t know if this is intended but not my cup of tea, takes a lot of reading space…icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Edit: My bad, if you hit the burger menu up left it dissappears … :sweat_smile:


The site now doesn’t work on my old computer - still using Windows XP and it has worked fine till now.
This means that people around the world who have old computers will no longer be able to come online with us.
I am posting this from my wife’s newer notebook.


No, I use Android.

XP hasn’t had a security update since extended support ended in 2014. I loved XP but would be worried about its vulnerability.


Unless you need that XP due to drivers for something industrial (Should really be air gapped) I would put something else on that machine. XP is not secure at all and should not be connected to the net at all under any circumstance.