Autos at 12/12?

Have had some photos vegging under the same 18/6 my mephisto autos are currently flowering in. I know probably not ideal since I’m keeping the RH at 60 which isn’t the best for the photos vegging but they look great!

Anyways long story short I want to flip my photos at this point and my other tent isn’t freed up for another 30 days. Can I switch the lights to 12/12 and flower everything under that? What effect can I expect that to have on the autos that are a few weeks under flow w the 18/6 cycle? Thanks.


They will flower fine but yield will be effected. Autos don’t require a light schedule to flower. We’ve a few members on here that grow autoflowers on 12/12 start to finish. :v:


20/4 is the best way to grow autos, imho


I run 18/6 start to finish and get good yields, but tried that one time and it had to go a lot longer than expected and did not get the yield or the swelling in the end. You can try it, but if it were my choice I would run it out, think about how much time and effort you got in it already. Veg your other one a little longer. That would be my choice again it is only my opinion and I am no expert.


He’s growing autos alongside photos he’s ready to flower.
If I’m growing photos and I see a unused space in my grow area I put an auto in the space. Some yield in the space is better than non.
Autoflowers become useful in this situation.


Yield isn’t as badly affected as people say.

Autos are DAY NEUTRAL. They don’t require more light to be better; the whole schtick with autos is you can throw ANY light pattern at them, and they will flower.

I have personally flowered an auto 12/12 from seed, and this is no exaggeration, it was THE BEST OVERALL HIGH I’ve ever had from smoking flower, and the yield was as expected.


I’m curious how many ppl claim lesser autoflower yields under less light, have ever actually done it or are they just regurgitating some bro-science shit they read online :man_shrugging:t2:


Autos never finish by what it says ever and makes it hard to gauge. At least for me to throw some autos in and to get the timing just right. I got extra lights, rooms, and tents :tent: resolve those kind of problems, but used to use a large appliance box with white paper on inside to reflect to resolve till I got another tent. Just temporary of course.


Currently about to chop two autos running on 12/12 for temp control. Usually do 24/0, 20/4, or even 18/6. Buds looks good, smaller than typical yields.


flower away the autos will be fine, bit smaller yields and they tend to run a bit longer, when flipping to 12/12 just increase your light output over time if possible to compensate


On my side its likely bro science BUT what I will say is most autoflowers I’ve grown (and I’ve grown a lot) tend to yield less and the buds are fluffy and lite. I’ve never had an auto grow as well as a photo. Do t get me wrong the thc levels are more or less even these days.
One more thing. Autos are usually grown start to finish on an 18/6 light schedule take 10 to 12 weeks. Most photos take the same but after the 4th week your power usage is 33% lower


8-10weeks for me and only a power reduction if one wasnt playing with light levles and DLI amounts to be even otherwise 18/6 to 12/12 is 66% of the energy , or looked the other way a 50% increase over 12/12


I agree about the photos and the autos, I like the autos because you can get as many as 4 or 5 good grows in a year. Photos are a lot more forgiving autos are spiteful and get revenge on you.


This is the only auto I’ve ever grown before these ones. It’s currently on day 95 and isn’t part of that room I’m talking about, it’s in my 12/12 photo tent…, looks dense AF


I have had okay results in the past vegging the autos indoors at 18+ hrs of light per day, then flowering them outdoors at a time when that meant something around 14 hours per day.

Autos are day neutral, but they’re also naturally from places like Mongolia and Siberia where their growth during the summer happens with an extremely long daylight interval, there’s a reason the autoflowering landraces aren’t equatorial.


I didn’t take dli into the equation to honest @Mr.Sparkle
I’m not knocking autos. They serve a purpose and in the end you end up high. I’ve never had an auto finish in 8 weeks from seed buddy.
I’m sorry if I’ve upset people. It wasn’t meant to anger anyone. I’m just stating my own personal experience and opinion.
:sneezing_face: fuck sake what have I started


Another thing to consider. . …

Doesn’t Ruderalis originate from a part of the world that doesn’t get crazy direct sunlight? Meaning, they’re used to growing with little or no direct sun, from an origin level

So, if you’re pounding your autos with 18-20 hours of 1000 PAR, that could be a detriment? Hence, everyone noticing “airy” buds with autos? ----and yes I realize these moden autos are far removed from their origins, BUT, those origins still come into play since they’re still day neutral? I dunno, just something to consider

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Here is an auto AL-47 auto ILGM say 7 to 10 weeks from cradle to grave, in on 4/3/23 still going and I don’t believe it will finish for another 2 weeks or less.


Rate now I am roughly 13 weeks might go 15 weeks it’s already way past what they are saying WTF?

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Sorry dude didn’t mean to hijack your thread.

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