Taking notes

On average how long do you let your autos run …I know a lot of variables but let’s hear it !

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My pistols were all brown and receding a couple days ago on one of my autos now growing new pistols ?

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I go by trichomes. I’m horrible about keeping track of time with plants and rely on my grow journal to even remember what’s what. I go by eye and when it’s getting close I keep checking the trichomes. I just wait until I’m seeing enough amber across the board and chop.

Pistils aren’t usually the best indicator.


Yeah man I got a scope and what not just hard to differentiate between clear and cloudy with the light on the scope last plants waited 13 weeks of flower and still didn’t see a drop of amber on the leafs yeah but not on the caytlx …just never seen new pistols being thrown

Took one for inspection


Usually around 12 weeks for autos,I do keep notes on my phone for
Feeds and stuff,never had an auto Finnish in 8-9 weeks


Soon enough I will be expanding and more organized I had a grow log my first run it was 35 pages lmao

I finished a 4 x auto run a few weeks back. I finished each plant when it was all cloudy trichs with some amber coming in with leaves fading due to flush etc etc. In theory, optimal finishes.

Plant #1 85 days from planted sprout.
Plant #2 92 days
Plant #3 95
Plant #4 104 days

Much more varied than I would expect. Especially the slowest one . . .

Edit: I should add, that these were 5 gallon coco pots. Size matters.


Thanks for the input man ! I’m on day 69 another two weeks I’ll start looking I suppose lol

Honestly bud I don’t follow days or weeks. Plants are done when they are done. The bud you took looks to be in the harvest window. No pistils sticking up, it is ready. Now past that you got to check trichomes but that bud does not look to be taken early to me. Got a plant pic?


Pistils mean nothing. You have to learn how to judge based off trichomes. It is a little tricky to get the hang of in the beginning.
I suggest pulling a calyx off a bud for inspection as opposed to the whole bud. That way you aren’t wasting grams.
You can’t go by pistils. For example, my Chem 91 is done at 68, but will throw new pistils all the way til 85 if you let her. Pistils mean nothing. Trichomes tell the tale.



@DougDawson always seems like something pops up though this time I’m moving… I did a check last night with the scope hard to differentiate

Do you have a full plant pic you can post?

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Will post when I get out of work .I will single that plant out and take a pic!


This is the one that the buds grew to tight because of my lsting


Hey bud, so that’s a tough one. You can see brand new white pistils growing. That can mean it’s not done or it could means some kind of stress from nutes, temps or lights. You may have to go looking at trichomes. Looks like you are going to have some nice smoke in the end bud.

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Nice bouquet of flower !!!

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That’s what I’m saying ! Had me confused there could be nutes I used cha chingjust to see the results…you should see the one in orange and yellow fall colors …that’s what I call it anyway so I don’t have to come to realization she has a problem lol Thanks man !

“Fall time “

Ps lights on don’t make it look as beautiful

@4ftfarmer thanks man I’m trying lol …doesn’t smell like roses I messed up something :smile:

No roses! No problems!
My hands smell like bubblegum!:wink:

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