Wanted auto growers help

Hi All

I just have a simple, basic newbie question when it comes to growing Auto Flowers.

Can someone please help me and fill me in on when these 2 should go into the tent on 12/12 like my others but not Auto’s.

I don’t want to screw with them until I know when to put them in correctly.

Thank You for Always Having Your Help OG Community :crossed_fingers:!

Auto Flower Strains

Auto Pounder
Sweet Amnesia Haze


Autos can stay on any light schedule and will flip to flower on their own, predetermined timeline. Your best bet for most autos is probably 20 hrs on and 4 off to bulk the plant as much as possible. Minimize transplants and toppings also helps with yields.


Whenever you feel like it really. I have seen some do their autos completely under 12/12 the entire time. I prefer 18/6 the entire time myself. Autos are on their own time schedule for the most part.


Thank you so much , I just have the lights in my veg closet doing 24/7 and the other is the tent 1000 wt light at 12/12 so with one showing buds already I will do one more transplant into the 3 gallon buckets and in 12/12…

I wish I could have a solo spot to do the 18/6 would doing the 18/6 in my veg closet were the plants are on 24/7?

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An auto will still flower under 24 HR light and likely do well, some believe plants need a little nap.


Just run them in your veg spot they will flower on their own, or throw them to you flower tent if you need or want the space, though consider the benefit of autos is they can flower under longer day light lengths allowing more work to be done also like others have mentioned a rest period doesn’t hurt even for vegging plants as well.


Here below is my veg closet , Nothing great , Top shelf plants are seedlings and small size they can grow up to 4tf here

2nd bottom space has 4 ft height has heating pad if needed 6 inch fan and under the shelf is a 4 ft double floro lights , These run 24/7 with fans top and bottom with 2 heating pads top & bottom so I will take everyone’s advice and let them continue growing and just put them in the 3 gal buckets…

Thank You

3rd pic is an updated pic taken today , plants on bottom shelf, so this is were im going to let the auto’s grow until I buy a small indoor 3 x 3 tent …


Wow does this take me back… we all started somewhere bro.
You need to do some reading and learn more about autos. But we are happy to help.
Veg / Flower on 18/6.
Flower on 20/4 after 55 days until done.
Feed at 1/4 strength whatever your directions say. Feed, water, water. Repeat
If water runoff is brown after 3 to 4 weeks,
Water until it clears up before feeding again. Calmag week 2 thru week 7.



I run all my autos on 12-12

Works for me…there’s a 100 ways to skin a cat
Reason I say this is because I did try all different light
Stages with autos 24-0 18-6 12-12 I didn’t find any difference
So I stuck to 12-12


I was going to keep them in the veg area but shitz I have room in my tent, an entire extra 2 feet to extend the grow area 4x6 instead of 4x4… Keep them with the others flowering 12/12

It just amazes me how these plants just start flowering lol

Thank You

That’s the nice thing about autos, they do their thing without a great deal of grower inputs. Up pot them soon 2-3 gallon container, 25% nutes, any light schedule, but 20/4 or 18/6 helps provide more energy for better yields. Good luck


I have 3 extra digital timers and the one I have sucks so when I replace the timer I’m doing the Veg closet to 18/6 , I don’t believe this will stress or change the plants aka clone plants to stay growing healthy with the lights at 18/6…


12-12 lighting since the seed broke ground cheap ass eBay lights as well

Like I said there’s 100 ways to skin a cat and what works best for people

This is 6 weeks old and about to go in the bin lol,it’s not going to grow any bigger I’ve grown enough autos to know this

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@anon98660487 My Props Bro them look delish sugar every where lol :crossed_fingers: :wink:

It makes me a bit confused if I keep them in Under
12/12 will that deduct any % of full growth potential ??

Also If they stay under veg floro’s and start 18/6 will this stress up n coming plants that are growing??

Just do what’s best for you run them 18-6 see how it goes

I’m not telling any one to run them 12-12 I’m just saying that’s what I run all my plants at even photos because I usually have photos and autos in the same tents,

Your right bro, I was just going to do 1 more switch into the 3 gallon buckets under 12/12 and watch, take pics, do some notes dates and put that in my own grow Bible. thx IR :crossed_fingers:

have a funny way of growing I have a funny way of growing which suits me,don’t keep my lights on timer’s I turn the lights on everyday,it’s never always set times lol some mornings I turn the lights on 11am then let them run to 11pm next day I mite turn the lights on at 7am turn them off at 7 pm lol

Weed grows on what ever light it gets even in the wild you think a plant is getting 18-6 lights or even 12-12 on winter nights

That’s how I go about growing,let my plants do their own thing.

I’m not a huge grower grow about 6-7 plants a grow but it’s a none stop grow


Those look great, love the colors. Can’t wait to do some purple’s