Autos at 12/12?

Ahhhh let there be light.
I read a lot. I’ve maybe been reading the wrong information but the lightbulb isn’t the only thing he stole.
I hope your not in some way related to Edison



Edison wasn’t an inventor. He was a bureaucrat, patent office job I think… is it so farfetched to think he rejected patents to patent them himself?

Edison was a jackass for sure :laughing:


If he had came to the uk he’d have eventually been giving the prime minister job as the main requirement is lying and stealing :rofl:
I fucking hate my country. :roll_eyes:


Damn. Thats rough. My prime is super chill. He wears costumes all the time. He got good hair.
Weird how his 3 best friends are serving time for forced love too early.

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Going to let them go one more week but this a few of Colorado sativas lure sativas vegging I want to flip soon


Dam nice ass grow space :+1: you got it going on! :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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You’ve got some nice light setups man… no reason why you shouldn’t be killing it, harvest is gonna be fun to watch, so pulling up my recliner bro.

I do Autos on 12/12 from the get go all the time… and a pure Indica may stunt a bit but most hybrids will do just fine. and same reason you do, I run photo periods who also got 12/12 from the get go…

Go check out my thread, Auto’s done Carty’s way

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Already follow ya brother! This is new room current finishing tents below. I have no idea when to chop :rofl: think my auto that’s turning colors is probably damn near done.

Can’t wait for the bog gear some do you have been kind enough to send to arrive! Got bogglegum and grape, just need to find someone w sour boggle


Well no wonder your killing it then… haha… very nice looking fatarse heads bro

Yeah I think that top auto the one turning all colorful needs chopped. Most the leaves are falling off at this point. Ill take care of it in the next 48 hrs and toss in the cannatrol

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