Bad acting? Acting else?

When I’m high, things are often better: food tastes more delicious, music is more interesting and beautiful, nature is more splendid, jokes are funnier, friends are warmer. Except acting. Acting is worse. It’s like I see the bullshit more. This has seriously ruined some TV shows for me because I can’t go back. Does anyone else have this experience?


I do… i really do lol

Its like smoking wipes away the bullshit for me and thats one of the things i really hate when it comes to movies and tv


I would have to agree but that was before the pandemic lol. Since then I think we have lowered our standard of what we would watch. Vampire Robot Aliens… fine at least it has 10 seasons


I’ve seen that too.
Except Kaiju/ Gojira movies, then they are great!! :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Brady Bunch, the movie.

Horrible … but awesome at the same time.


100% mate! I have a hard time watching serious shows and movies while high because of this. It just seems so fake all of a sudden and once it starts, I cant unsee how crappy it all looks. I mostly just watch nonsense these days because i don’t really care about the acting skills while watching re-runs of The Big Bang Theory


So true but I’m always a sucker for kung fu bad acting :martial_arts_uniform:


Yeah, I tend to agree. What I noticed at some point is that most actors only have one or two ‘signature’ acts and do that in every movie no matter what genre.

A friend of mine ate some mushrooms and watched a Harry potter movie. She could see the whole movie set and asked if that was the bonus material with behind the scenes footage that was hilarious :rofl:


I feel like it’s just part of getting older. But it could just be me


Cinema as an industry has and will continue to cut corners in every way they possibly can. As technology advances people get lazier. Companies are ever increasingly cheap. Movies are no longer a long held golden idea that a director has and tries to turn into a masterpiece. They are the best possible combination of money making ideas jammed as dense as possible with the quickest turn around they can manage. If it’s a success, they go for round two, three, …etc. Milk the same idea until people get tired of it. Then dig up a successful franchise from a previous generation remake it again. And again. And again.

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Any movie that has 15 executive producers is a piece of shit.

Seriously, watch for it.


I watched the Oppenheimer movie and while I like history and all that. MY GOD IT SUCKED , it was so boring.

I would rather watch an hr youtube video on the subject


That’s a bummer to hear I’ve been wanting to watch that

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Same here I get a feeling of ppl taking themselves too seriously in movies after I’ve had a smoke lol

Comedy. Like real, actual, “go to a comedy club” comedy.

I find trivial & stupid things to be much funnier on the marijuanas, but actual comedy I much prefer to watch mostly sober. Like, a “slight” buzz is fine but being stoned at a comedy show is kinda fucking boring :man_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl: lol


100% with you Franklin. I see right through shitty plot lines and acting when I’m high. Then I mention it to my wife and she’s like “god dammit, now I can’t enjoy the show cause now I SEE how shit it is!”

Then I feel bad.

I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut when I’m high and we watch tv. :joy:


Bad acting can be good acting too see also: troma lol nic cage, crispin glover etc


People who take movies too seriously and look for “holes in plotlines” totally fail to realize the entire purpose of watching a movie:

BE ENTERTAINED :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s not a gawddamn job interview or a “whoodunnit” contest. For gawds sake quit telling us why the “time heist” in Avengers Endgame was unrealistic :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

. … sorry for yelling :rofl: lol!

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It’s been for a long time that I can’t watch most TV and movies, or listen to obnoxious music. If I’m at home, I like to be more relaxed. I do like to work in the garden, pack shares, go for a walk or to the gym, and I like to play chess.

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