The Endless Scroll of Stoner Videos


  • My moment of zen.
  • Random videos to watch while high.
  • To be updated frquently.

What if you win the Lottery?

Baboons and lions work together to hunt and trick prey

An over-qualified mascot

Judge rules white girl will be tried as black adult (parody)

New Facebook Feature Scans Profile To Pinpoint Exactly When Things Went Wrong (parody)

Scientists Successfully Teach Gorilla It Will Die Someday (parody)

What is Consciousness ?

Why are things creepy ?

What will we miss?

How stupid things become smart

You are two

Louis CK does gay porn

Websites for when you are bored at work

Kunf fu Mantis vs Spider

Flaming wire in slow motion

What is it like inside a black hole ?

Early Chris Rock

Cubas DIY inventions from isolation

Brilliant displays of people sucking at their jobs

Justin Bieber & Slipknot (love)

Richard Pryor best


not sure why all videos are showing up as unavailable… will try to fix…

edit: Fixed!

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BARAKA is an incredible experience. no narration, no dialogues. just stunning audio-visual storytelling of nature, humanity, and technology. I easily get lost in it when i’m high and sober.

min 13:30 is specially trippy.

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon, is a comedy short about exactly that.

Food by Jan Svankmajer is a live surrealist stop motion film that inspired monthy python etc. Quality stuff…