Bean saving advice

Hello friends, this platform has been really helpful. I haven’t had the time to spend on the platform to earn the trust level to be able to score beans or clones but that is really what I’d like to do here. Any tips from anyone on being able to get some different genetics? Thank you!



Where abouts are you located? Thats a good place to start. What interests you when it comes to Ganja?


It’s entirely up to the donor what they require so you may very well find a giver who look’s past the green dots :sunglasses: and will happily share.

Maybe start a thread & describe the situation, gardening experience, astrology :rofl:, whatever.

There are also seed banks that sell in small quantities or by the seed so maybe that would be an option.



Yeah honestly it was tough to have to wait 15 days to join some giveaways. I did have a couple very generous people send me some before then, but it was weird asking for some. I just made sure to spend time reading posts and liking and sending support to the growers on here until I became a member. It goes by pretty fast


I’m old school Overgrow, I might have some mystery/unknown beans from great lineage for you…Back in the day I could care less if it was your first post I still gave out seeds/clones.


I’m in Missouri. My favorite to partake in are GG#4 and Blueberry muffin. Which I currently have a clone of. People like when they know what it is, so anything that I can track the genetics on really.


Get to know people and contribute to the community.


I would throw up a post in the trade threads with the strains or breeders you would like to track down.

I’m a huge collector and in general would recommend the following after purchasing many beans I’ll never grow.

What strains will fit your grow style? Flowering time? Height? Grow difficulty are things I would consider.

Breeder Quality, when I first started I was buying any seeds I found and I have a lot of weak beans. Research the breeder, the stability of the strain, is it really what you’re looking for?

Price, most strains are available from multiple breeders, don’t feel like you gotta buy expensive packs because there are probably other options or good quality crosses.

Happy collecting once you start its a hard habit to stop.

My seed museum.


Come back out to my place. I’m flush with seeds from being on here. But definitely keep posting. Also, you can ask a @moderators to let you know what you need to get to the next tier. Maybe something simple that needs fulfilled.