Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Lake bitscho?

Dubaunt is my final answer

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I guess I should say greater slave lake?

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Can I win? :wink:


Great bear lake

Plant beans all over the beach lake?

Lesser slave lake lol?

Down here in NY, a few miles from me is a place called Canada Lake. Good pike and pickerel fishing. Not sure if it’s anything like the actual Canada, though! :fishing_pole_and_fish: :fish:

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Lake Seul maybe?

Not far off from what we have up here lol!

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Lot’s of awesome lakes mentioned, lots of them I have fished. This time however, I chose a river.

Athabasca river

Big Trout Lake

Isn’t this your 1st answer? lol

Sturgeon river

St. Lawrence River

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McKenzie river

Fraser river

Grand River

Sounds like it if it has pike and pickeral