Beans for everyone (Part 1)

I’m just watching tonight :+1:
Still, let’s go!

Why is that?

Sure!!! Thanks again @THCeed ! Just about to start my morning meeting w/the crew but that’s why I still have two eyes!


Already got some coming from ya!

Ok, finally a question you can google. lol Sort of. Can’t make it too easy.
What was the 1st Ontario lake that I flew into for fishing.


Does ‘flew’ include falling out of the boat?

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Lake Ontario?

Hahaha good one

Mimi lake is it

Does it start with an N :laughing:

Lake Nipigon by chance?

Lac Seul???

Yoke lake?

My buddy hit an underwater rock on this trip and flew from the back to the front of the boat and got a fishing needle stuck in his butt.


No it does not.

That’s crazy. Was it Savant? Can’t help it, had to guess.

There you go.

Lake Savant???

Straw lake

Williams Lake???