Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Our summers are usually in the 25 - 35 C from about the end of May til the end of Sept. Just before and after you can get anything from that to snow. I live fairly close to THCeed.

But no, Canada is not a frozen wasteland. it’s actually one of the most beautiful countries on the planet with 4 seasons. Nor is it little. 2nd largest country on the planet.

Winter does last a little too long the further north you go.


Thanks @CanuckistanPete . The little in my question was not for the country, was for “little cold”.
And I now it is not a wasteland, I saw many documentarys from there, and seems a lovely and green place. But to the images seen, I have my mind setting in “a cold place”.
So if that are your temperatures, I think that is something like galician, except that I live near the sea and in winters here is extremely rare to snow (I remember one day… when I was about 13 years old… going the way for 49). No snow here, but it’s fucking cold. The jackdaw here does not fly low, it walks.


It can get cold in winter for sure. Some of the western provinces just went through some -25-40 temps. The Territories (our 3 most northern areas) have large parts above the arctic circle. But the southern most part of the province I live in is further south than northern California.
Ya, if you don’t like snow, Canada is NOT the place for you. It’s pretty much guaranteed here in winter, other than some small areas in British Columbia.


That’s not cold, that is VERY cold. :sweat_smile:
Here barely drops below zero in very little ocassions. But here we have very high RH and winds, that give thermal sensation of -10 (sometimes).
To find snow here in winter I must drive 150-300 km to the inside of the community.
Here we have rain… in galicia we have more than 70 words to describe the different types of rain. :rofl:


I use a non-machinable stamp I bought on Amazon for pretty cheap.

For international letters I use 1 global anytime stamp (1.30usd in 2022) and 1 US domestic anytime stamp (0.60usd in 2022) to cover the non-machinable surcharge.

For US domestic shares, I use 1 non-machinable anytime stamp (I think 0.99usd in 2022). The USPS website refers to them as non-machinable for square envelopes. The USPS worker at the front desk suggested that I use them, so that’s what i’ve been using for domestic shares.

You can also use 2 domestic anytime stamps, but you’re paying 0.21usd more than necessary in 2022. You can also use 1 US domestic anytime stamp and 1 non-machinable surcharge stamp (0.30 in 2022).

Rates will change in 2023. The non-machinabke surcharge stamps, the stamps that are 0.30usd, are not anytime stamps, so when the rates change you will have to attach additional postage accordingly.

I hope that helps.

See here for USPS stamp options…

@Oldjoints pointed me to using these stamps for marking the letters non-machinable…


Our Inuit have 50 words for snow!


What he said. Just gorgeous here.


Thanks @Tracker basically everything one needs to know in 1 post :+1: :+1: :+1:


On their way. Going to try and get the rest out tomorrow before I leave for a week.


Sorry ladies, I have to do it, throw tomatoes if ya have to…LOL :grimacing:

Anyway, picture this…
Your hanging with a new girl, it just slips out…
You say to her…
I am kinda excited, today I found out I still had some Dick Cheese left.
It is really stinky too, wanna see some? should taste it!.. :crazy_face:


Dick cheese shaggy balls? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


@Blueridge I really did not see the connection until you said something…LOL
Nice one!
Red alert Shaggyballs now has the Dick Cheese and it is really tasty… :roll_eyes:oh boy!
All you ladies come and get yours for free today. :joy:
Ok, I am done now.


dick cheese is a real cross or just a joke?
if it is, GG on this one! :nauseated_face:
“would u like to taste some dogshit with your dick cheese my dear?”

1 Like

Oh, it doesn’t taste like dog shit. Good shit, maybe. But not dog shit.


Nice looking plant. Great structure so far squat and thick​:+1::+1::v:


Did I make the cut @THCeed ? I don’t remember if you said wher you hail from but I finally made it to my mom n sisters house but I dunno if the were supposed to be here yet, most places in USA take 3 days to get here but sometimes it can be weeks from non highway connected new England n Midwest… Alaska can take a friggin month to get to CA depending on the part of the state… me n the misses will be here till tomorrow afternoon before we head back home to our property but I only see ma every couple weeks if in lucky otherwise it’s monthly or longer…

Fingers crossed for tomorrow n sorry if I’m being annoying! Very excited still and so blessed already by what showed up from
Over the month or so since I last seen momma, definitely felt like Christmas morning today at brunch opening my mail from you all !!

Thanks. Seriously… and @shag I really appreciate you too. For calling me on my bullshit, I needed that to man up to Zlabb n not just wait till I had something good to show, I’m sorry it’s taken so long but as soon as me n my wife visit her grandma n slab city this month, I’m not leaving Berry Creek till I have made some beans b harvested at least a couple depos/midseason breeding pollen gestaters…

I realized since the two times I tried growing in the desert of slabs and the two last years I tried at Berry Creek unsuccessfully it’s almost been five straight years of failures after almost 10 years of not being able to grow and before that it was nothing but success after success after success after success and it’s funny cuz like most things in life I feel like I’ve learned more from my failures than I ever did for my successes it’s hard to learn a lesson when he didn’t make a mistake you just think that you know how to grow everything perfect or do things great I learned that at the hydro shop that the average person that’s grown some decent pot thinks that they are a master grower when marijuana is a super easy plant to grow for the most part but like most things in life all the different types of failures you make teach you what not to do and if you’re working in situations that are not ideal with conditions and materials that are even less so is really hard to make something amazing happen but the people that can are the ones that can make soup from a stone and redshit into a shine
Can’t believe how much y’all have helped this Christmas season have a happy ending for me n mickey…

Happy New Year n we love you guys!!!

All y’all here n IcMag, RIU an the Zlabbers!!

Even malt all the magic tripod says he ruves too guys!!!


I don’t know what it is worth but @Hellablaked has gone back to zlabs and started a new thread the thread title started with … “With my tail between my legs…”.
He has had conversations with those that had given him seeds. He seems to be trying to make things right with those folks from the past.

Since I started this whole thing, I would like to weigh in.
If you have it in your heart, I feel he deserves a second chance.
I have been talking to him a bit in private, he seems like a solid dude.
But alas only time will tell.

Think of how the biker clubs are run.
Pretend you are on probation, but if you make it through that ok, you will be family :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All the best


Yeah I know @shag know man and that’s why I’m apologizing for my rants cuz I realize that it’s kind of early but I I know I’m going to see this through hell or high water and it’s just it’s been an emotional time for me but like I’ve been telling people especially 420 new man that guy he me and him talk he we send like 10:00 p.m. to each other every day and he just randomly I never even talk to him he just randomly hit me up when he saw me talking about mushrooms one time and talking about when eating some seeds and like that guy is a f****** amazing and so is Dave for making a bean brains and a hold of you guys pretty much

And I know that I need to have some cool pictures and it might be a little bit before I do but that’s not because I’m stealing s*** it’s because I don’t want to start seeds and watch them die again it’s kills me and it’s hurting my heart and I made a promise to my wife that we’re going to visit her grandma cuz we don’t know how much longer she has and we haven’t been able to see our friends and slabs for a while so we’re going to do all that at once cuz it’s in the same area and Jim and jam and slapsody rave is all within the next month so bye the middle slash into February I am posting up in my place and hell or high water I’m f****** going to have something cool to show you all and give you all and share with you all and not because I want people to think I’m cool I just want you guys to know that I appreciate you and I really needed to help and no one was there for me except for f****** you guys people I don’t even know… that means something to me

But yeah I’m done hogging up the thread guys and I’ll try to start pming people more and not clogging up the f****** information siphon here…
God damn I don’t even know what the f*** I’m saying right now I think I’m going to drink a beer or something smoking a cigarette and I hardly ever even smoke those I f****** needed it

Ps I love the 1%er biker club analogy… that’s a good reference!


Did I make the cut @THCeed ?
I don’t think you ever sent me any deets.



Wreckage Master Bastard - landed !!!

looking forward to seeing some of these bastards grow :wink:
