Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Congrats @Piter !!!

Is this a human X Kush F1? Do the human traits really come through?


lets donate them to someone else then !

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Uh…No No No, No,No,No NoNo No…No …No

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Sorry… I have it!

And out of likes… :heart:

maybe @piter can pick a diff strain then ???

But seriously where are these seeds?

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Rule #1 Let’s obey the rules.
Rule #2 Refer to rule #1


Rule #3 back to rule#1
:thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed: :hugs:


Sorry… I did not remember.
When you confirmed I have to go to check the list.

And… there it was… :pleading_face:

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rulez rulez we dont need no stinkin rulez :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :grin:


I say he walks the plank! :laughing:

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no no no keel haul him instead

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Is that where they drag you around the bottom of th ship and up the other side?

So this time it will be for a pick of 2 strains. You will get to pick when we’re done. I was trying to guess how many beans were in that jar, so I counted 200 beans and weighed them. How much did the 200 beans weigh?


Yes correct

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yeppers sure is kinda brutal huh

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.7 oz
maybe that is close?

76 grams I say!!

31 grams I say