Beans for everyone (Part 1)

You are the best Brother

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Wow guessing is hard.

Intermission time is my favorite!!! Lol :green_heart:

Inhale exhale DONT SPILL THE BONG sorry yā€™all didnā€™t mean to yell!

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Ok sorry about the long break.
I should be good now.
My sisterā€™s name is?
Starts with the letter C

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Cathy 10char

Carly, Catherine

! guess only per post please

One guess, huh :thinking:
Iā€™m just playing for fun this round. If by strange chance I win, itā€™ll be going to the runner up. :wink:


Cindy I hope.

Per post, or per member? Lol

Cassandra ???

1 per post. guess as many times as you like

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Maybe Carly?

Carol Iā€™ll say.

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Christine 10

Or Christina

Cynthia Iā€™ll guess

Carry 10 char