Beans for everyone (Part 2)

If you need to break and scutch cannabis stalks for later retting, he’s your…errr… canine. Doesn’t even need to get paid! Oh my!


Where can I pick him up? if he’s that good, looks like I’ll only need him for about a month. Lol

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Five gallon freakshow


Looking Awsome,
What would happen if somebody crossed ABC strain with Freakshow… something goulash


Is that a stink bug in The last picture

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I think so it’s spring here bugs everywhere hopefully makes the freakshow a bit stinkier :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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man, I had some ABC from annunaki genetics. I tried to grow a couple plants two years ago, mice ate all of them and I dropped like two seeds on the ground and couldn’t find them. imagine lol I paid like 120$ for 10 seeds. there’s still two seeds somewhere at my dad’s house :confounded:


Don’t feel bad, you aren’t alone. I started some Orange hill magic from a Jamaican guy years ago, same scenario friggin mouse ate don’t see mice around here anymore.:wink:


It’s one of the hardest strains I’ve grown, did not like to be cloned. Took a year to get it cloned. Lost the cut due to circumstances but have a few seeds left. This was the hunted female I lost.


Yeah, ABC is special :rofl:
I have one 88g13HPxABC that after 5 or six months is still one foot tall.
Perhaps my fault… I will try to root a clone to see what happens.


I actually have an ABC that was pollinated by Freakshow. I think it could go either way. If the mutations are from totally unrelated places in the chromosome they would probably be completely normal plants! But I am secretly hoping there is something like, really weird in there.

If you want to try them out to hunt for a real monster I can help you with that. It’s outranked by other projects right now.


Not a stinkbug. enlarged pic with Lens, identified as Milkweed Bug. Plus I’m in the business.

“You’ll know milkweed bugs by their striking red and black coloration and long, pointed bodies. Small milkweed bugs bear a large, red X-shape across their backs and have two thick, segmented antennae. They may have white spots on the ends of their wings. Large milkweed bugs appear to be red in color with two black diamonds separated by a black bar across their backs. If you encounter either of these insects, don’t panic. They don’t bite, have no stingers, and don’t carry disease. Milkweed Bug Control Unless you’re a milkweed plant farmer, milkweed bugs in the garden don’t require any type of control. They’re generally considered a beneficial insect because their feeding activity can end the life cycle of milkweed plants. This helps to control the milkweed plant, which can be invasive but is also an important food source and breeding location for monarch butterflies. In general, milkweed bugs helps gardeners enjoy the milkweed plant and the butterflies that are attracted to them without having to worry that milkweed plant may overtake their garden.”


Hey buddy! :wave:t3: @FeloniousMonk
I just cut the @middleman cross you sent me the beans of last night. Sweet pineapple smell. Gonna be nice! :facepunch:t3: Thanks again! Can’t wait to try her out!


Looks like a Box Elder bug to me…


Well there you go I learned something today cheers @ThirdStone :+1:

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When a box elders wings are closed, you’ll see one Red V on the back when wings are closed.

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Ahh. You are correct. They do look very similar though. :v: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Beauty looking plant mate


That’s what I thought.
Didn’t know anyone else called them that! :wink:


Hell yeah dude! So that is half @middleman and half @PineTarBastard work. It was my honor to bring them together, but I haven’t had a chance to try them out honestly.

Your plant is looking really nice. I think it brought together the best of both sides and I’m super glad you got a few. Good genetics, but also clearly you’re a badass grower. I’m inspired and will probably pop some soon.

Did you find that they are autoflowering? I found both sides were very prone to flower at the slightest provocation.