Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Hahaha I’ve wanted to do this with them bamboo landraces indoors.

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What it that hst method called? I’d love to read up on it do you have a link? Thanks

I don’t know if there is a name for it other than plant splitting and I have no idea if there’s any information out there on it at all something my buddy used to do a long time ago


These posts still confuse me :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy: but I’m always down for free seeds! :seedling::+1:t2:

Looking great matey. Can’t wait to.grow your strains this summer

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Can I join as well. Growing mine outdoors here in Australia ?

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I am hoping every OG member joins. I guess it might be time to get prizes set up and start talking about timing and such. It is going to be for fun, hopefully sharing ups and downs with the grow. I am going to call on some of the great members here for some bean donations for prizes. Just trying to have some fun keeping us all connected through a grow.


We always called it stalk splitting. Although you were correct. I’ve never seen it done all the way in two! 🫣 I’m gonna have to keep my eye on this one! At this point I’m not sure I wouldn’t have rather seen you fuck it though!:rofl: All well. Plenty of others you have there! If you need a volunteer for ole Camo Cousin It. :raising_hand_man:t3: I’ll climb those branches like a hungry monkey!

Put me down for a something pack of something!
(To be determined later.) That is if your accepting donations from not so greats as well!

You can keep your other eye on these ones. Took these this morning for you @NDNCHILD

Enjoy your day.
P.S. I done fucked her good.


Cheers matey. Should be a fun competition :grinning:

Gorgeous! And she got my last like for a while too!

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I am totally down to donate a few packs. Should be a fun grow


Never even heard of stem spliiting. Ending up on a deep rabbit hole yesterday. And fell into some sites

Very cool to show how it’s done. Please post more photos to see the results


Oh he will no worries there mate!

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I will donate a few flips as well! :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Love to see all happy and am always in for the fun :star_struck:


Hopefully by the time we grow these I’ll have some new stuff to donate to the cause.:green_heart:

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Ok,.now yer just showing off… :joy::joy::joy:

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So looked into stem splitting and every article I came across was done 7-10 days before harvest. I haven’t found veg stem splitting maybe I should google that specifically.:thinking:


thank you for opening my eyes to a new subject matter, i have had split stems, and the plants looked amazing, it was generally to too much stress…however, the plants mend themselves together as a kinda repair like a scar. the old days to start a new genetic, we use to split the stem, insert the new cross, and let nature take the course…that was so old school, it was a working experiment always…many plants will bond to each other being close enough to generate a binding skin/member…i have a double plant from two seeds once…after about a week or so into veg, they kinda mended each other at the lower part of the soil, and grew all kinds of funky…but did flower…mostly on the one side…but weird… @420noob finding all kinds of great information thru, and with you guys here on OG
thank you all