Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Nice and frosty!


Looks great

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One tray of peppers down. 10 of each, Carolina Reaper, Citron, Ghost, Orange and Peach Habs.


Ewwwwww !!! Scary stuff kids !!! Beware serious fire :fire:!!! Hahahahh

Hey had to buy a new phone dropped my old one in a bucket of water last week at the end of the day !! Whatā€™s that app you like called ? Pm it please ?

WhatsApp, sorry to hear about the phone.

Whatā€™s your final pot size when you do veggies?
Or do you plant them outside straight into a garden?
I want to do 2 of each for 6x 3g on my balcony. 1st time ever.

What strains are you guys running outdoors this year ?

They go out into a garden, when weather allows.

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Good morning everyone! Wake and bake in full effect. Woke up to 5 more inches of snow outsideā€¦


I need to go to the post office, store and then this because of this:



Looks like next week or 2. Hopefully the sun comes out soon, seedlings are hating this crap.

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Good morning, growmies.
Letā€™s start the ā€œFREAKINGā€ weekend off proper.
Choose a number between 1-200, 3 guesses total, but only 1 guess per post.
Bart head full of FREAKSHOW for the winner.
Good luck.


Guess 1. 59

Guess 2. 121

Guess 3. 79

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Then I will take 55 for the win :trophy: :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::sunglasses::v:

Good morning brother!
Those are looking real frosty! Nice!
Iā€™m actually astounded I havenā€™t acquired any of these yet.

44 plz

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Hey :wave: bro :sunglasses:, I just put your beans šŸ«˜ from @sober on a connecting flight :airplane: to you earlier this week! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::v:


Got a notice for this today.