Beans for everyone (Part 3)

First guess, 77
Thanks for the chance :smiley:

First guess 2

Second guess 23

Third guess 58

Thank you so muchā€¦.good luck to everyone

My second guess will be 112 for the win :trophy:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: :facepunch::+1::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::v:


I didnā€™t discover drugs and alcohol until relatively later in life. My misspent youth was all about punk and ska shows. Iā€™ll always love The Pietasters!


Do you love The Slackers?

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I do. Thereā€™s not much from that genre and time period that I donā€™t appreciate. But I never saw the Slackers. I canā€™t count how many times I saw the Pietasters.

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ill toss a random guess in at 134.58

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Damn, Iā€™d trade 1 of my Slackers show for A Pietasters one. lol

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First guess Eiffel tower.

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Second is tuesday

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Third and final guess is itā€™s time to go smoke a joint.


Guess 1 is #19

Guess 2 is #99

Guess 3 is # 129

Guess 2 is 61

My misspent youth was all about punk (and alcohol/drugs)ā€¦being in the punk sceneā€¦ska was always around. Went to so many underground punk shows in Chicago, late 80ā€™s early 90ā€™s ā€¦

If your a ska lover, My friends and I were always hearing rumors that ā€œOperation Ivyā€ was playing a show under a different nameā€¦ā€¦never got to see them but long story shortā€¦you as a ska lover, we accidentally saw Voodoo Glow Skullsā€¦if u know them.


Hopefully the sun comes out from behind these clouds, seedlings needing some real sunlight todayā€¦