Beans for everyone (Part 3)

#3. Iggy…

#4. Nugglez

Wow man, your forest really does produce! :wink:

Adorable kittens, as @LzBoy said, mom found a gentle, guiding hand that’d take care of them when she couldn’t.

Isn’t nature cool?


Cat is a simple stoner way of naming

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I am going with Garfield for one of the orange boys.

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That’s almost too obvious lol almost.

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Yes but the kids will love the name

Eenie, meanie, miney, mo


Larry, Curly and Mojo for the black one! :joy:

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How about “Mochi”?

Booty :cat: here booty booty booty booty.

Stinky is solid.

I also like stitch for the girl

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I think it was just paint they were spraying on their heads :joy:

Name one of those red headed boys Opie.:grin:


Thats awesome THCeed! Beautiful little creatures!
My daughter says Taco would be a good name for one of them.

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If was a person I’d say never! As a ginger the Opie reference came up my whole life!lol


@THCeed has shown us he’s a softie like myself and so many others when it comes to
abandoned animals. My wife worked at a rescue center in our area for cattle dogs, although no animals were turned away when it came to a rescue. All of us appreciate your Lion Heart of gold.

Aly might work for a female cats name.

Here is an odd rescue my wife handled. The mom of this fawn had abandoned it in the yard of some people that waited a few days for her return. Mom never came back. Deer will not normally abandon their young, so it may have been hit by a vehicle, or even coyotes or the rare cougar could have been the reason. A few people in our area have seen the cougar
and others have seen the deer carcasses they drag up into a tree to keep other predators away. They fed it some goats milk in the interim while finally contacting my wife at the rescue center she volunteered at. She made a few calls and found the best spot for rehab.
A rescue center about an hour away.

Here she is just before handing it off to a rescue center worker for rehab. The rescue worker called my wife the day after we dropped him off to let us know it was a buck they
had named Sage, and she was sure it would be alright. Fast forward to the following September when she called again to let us know that it had been released on a large tract of private land that has no hunting.


Harvey for the girl (as in Harvey Dent AKA Two-Face) image
Cheeto, Pumpkin and Haze for the boys :smiley: :smiley:

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Tigger is obvious as well.