Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Guess 2 66 grams.

Guess 3: 112 gram

and: HOLY FUCK @THCeed !


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I would like to win rosin. Because Iā€™m a winner.


45 grams first guess

Third pull. 74 grams and thank u :pray:

74 grams is my second guess. I was trying to gauge the size compared to the grinder in the back. Hmmmm

I was based on all my recent rosin makinā€™. :grin:

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29 gramsā€¦thanks @THCeed
Now donā€™t you be smoking some todayā€¦ :smirk:

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30 grams is my third attempt to win some WIDOW BOMB LANDRACE. Thank you @THCeed

31.28 grams first guess

42.84 grams second guess

27.24 grams third guess

28.9 grams first guess

33.5 grams second guess

Iā€™m at 20gs

41.4 grams 3rd guess

Thanks :+1:

66 grams I would guess with my first personality

Definitely a great day for
Someone likes to put in the work
Good work
Thanks Again for the chance

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33.333333 grams first guess

My sons mom say 100 g
Sec guess