Beans for everyone (Part 3)

45 grams :thinking:

53 grams maybe

Last guess 69 grams

What is it with the Toronto mail delivery system? You guys are half an hour away, and the beans take 3 weeks to get there.



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52 grams first guess

44 grams second guess

67 grams third guess

56 grams #1

84 grams #2

I assume itā€™s Mississaugaā€™s fault. :rofl:

112 grams #3

Thank you @THCeed!!! Out of likes :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:

1st guess 83 grams

2nd guess 72 grams

3rd guess 51 grams

28 grams, first guess

43 grams, second guess

32 grams, third guess

Hmmm, thatā€™s a lot of rosin, Iā€™m gonna up the game here.

1st guess, 23.5 grams

2nd guess, 32.4 grams