Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Hey all, agreed hole heartedly on giving thanks when someone’s taken the time, effort and money to OG the eff outa this world.

My problem lies, as a relitive noob to OG. I find it difficult to reach out to to person sending, that they haven’t arrived. Without making it seem needy. Or mouching 🤷 if ya know what I’m getting at.
How do y’all handle that situation? Both as doners and receivers.
I usually wait 2ish months. Then I’ll contact, if I haven’t seen anything in the mailbox.
Is that appreciated or not?
One day, sooner than later. I will be on the giving beans side.
Every single person I have contacted has resent, so guess that kind answers my question.
I’ll zip it now… Ffs that wmbk gets me babblin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Like everyone has said, Microsoft Excel or any “Spreadsheet” software similar.
That is what I use, like this.

In the popup window on the pic you just click on “Sort A-Z”


@LzBoy I want to know if something I’ve sent hasn’t landed. I get anxiety over that shit! :joy: I’ll be 3 days into sending to Canada and already tryna resend. :crazy_face: I know things take awhile but I’m impatient on the send part. On the flip… I also have a hard time reaching out if I’ve not received. On the receiving end it’s all just fun and games for me and I’m really not that worried about it. :+1:t3: I recon circumstances can change that for some things. (Big trade or paid.)


That’s hilarious, I’ve sent 2 items and felt the same way. Both made it and both replied. Making the experience that much better :green_heart:
I, like most have been involved with alot of online community over the last 25 years. Mostly gaming, and most ending in disaster.
OG is definitely a breed of its own.
I’ve seen some petty bickering here and there. But for most part, everyone is just so dam nice.
I give thanks to @Natea through smoke signals and the weed God’s for being a true OG and introducing me to here. :ok_hand:


I don’t think she knows what she just volunteered for. I might have a thousand strains. Are you sure? That is way out of my league.


We are pretty glad he introduced you here too.


She says no problem :wink: just send her the list :joy::joy::joy: I was typing :speech_balloon: as she was telling me how to do it and she said get him to send a list and she would just do it. My turn comes on April 13th and 14th to get mine organized by her or she knows it will never happen :grimacing::scream:


I’ve had stuff sent to me and it’s taken 1 month to arrive. But th average that I’ve experienced so far is 3 weeks

I’m up near Edmonton, Alberta


Wow I can’t believe it. I am leaving tomorrow for 10 days but when I come back I will take three or four days to write it down, yikes thank you so much.


That is one hell of long list of beans… I think I have pic of that list…:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Didn’t see it mentioned but @THCeed, with excel or open office (free) you are able to sort on anything you want. You just add more columns for the info. For example, Strain name, Flower time, Indica/Sativa %.
The info is all sortable after you enter one time. The list is endless. Well there are limits but If you reach them, we need to have a serious talk :wink:

Also to mention, you’re better off entering the information directly to computer so you dont do double work. I can send you a template to work from. Just let me know what info you want for each strain


Hell yeah we keep the good ones over here on OG!

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Awesome, I think most packs contain strain name and member name only.


Just an example


Free office comparable suite. Contains Microsoft Excel comparable for free. Called Libre Office Calc.

Suggest you download this to the computer where you want to use the list.

I’m available by DM if you need help.


Sorry to everyone who I repeated. It looks like you have this under control. Just got excited when I can teach someone excel :wink:


This is great. If I can do the majority myself and not have to bother anyone, I like that.


Is there a YouTube video that you recommend, to learn the basics on how to start using EXCEl

Any of the tutorials online will give good basics of excel (and Open Libre Calc) , Not just YouTube. I do not have a specific link to rec.

1 column would be for the cross the strain is made from.

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