Beans for everyone (Part 3)

I just checked that list I posted was original 1st game.

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Not much of a detective, eh? Lol.
Should I start taunting you?

I am not taunting you just wanted to know what version

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Missing 1 suspect, I think.

Proff Plum
candle stick

Just joking around, it is from original game.
I was getting at how criminals taunt the authorities.


Ok gotcha now. :wink:

Google is not always right 🫤

Hey, authorities, suck on that!


They are very wrong in this case.
Wrong suspects and only 5?

Why would that not surprise :open_mouth: me. 🫢

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@THCeed lets create a WEED Clue… lol, I have some ideas … This can be a cool version .

The Rastafarian / Mr .hippy / stoner chick , /Party Girl / Mr Botanist / Mrs Greenthumb ect

Glass Bong …The torch … Metal Scale…hacky Sack…empty Baggie

The closet … The VW Van… the clam bake attic…the cellar …bathroom…THE GROW ROOM…


We might roll this thread 🪡 over with all the combinations. :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


Talk to @OhNo555, I think he is doing just that.
Don’t forget the grow room.

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Oh man , thats awesome… In coming edit…

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I have been working on a OG clue :male_detective:‍♂ game, but am not quite ready just yet to unveil it. Got to work out more details so it can be played on OG. :wink::ok_hand:

It’s going to ROCK 🪨


Now you just need paper and scissors

Don’t forget the glue and crayons :crayon::crazy_face:

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Yeah ,thts cool , I like doing stuff like this , I have some good ideas now…LOL

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I already snorted all the glue and ate all the crayons.

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We could use a think :thinking: tank for this one :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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