BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 3)

For me it’s always regs so I can make my own seed, but that’s just what I do……


Either or sound nice.

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Good morning u ganja growin gurus :grinning: I slept in

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Regs for the win! Fems are best for growing a batch of buds with no fear of males seeding them up, but when it comes time to making seeds… we need real men. Erm… males :joy:


Regs bro… for the genetic preservation… I’m too much a noob to make seed lol… but I’ll learn !


Your plants look happy and healthy…keep up your great work and good morning to you and everyone else


I’ve seen this hog in person, he lives in the woods near my house. No joke man, I’ve seen big ones before, but this ol boy could literally be saddled and rode.


I say regular, brother. Easier and if anyone wants fem, well then they can always make em!


I really like fems. But to preserve your line if you don’t have alot regs. Can always do fems in another run. Looks like its something you wanna be able to keep around.

Fems are handy and have their place. But I think I’m going to do regs. Its easier, quicker. You kinda get that instant gratification. Plus that will give me much more beans to give to folks wanting to try a chunk of heaven. Maybe even get some to my brother, @JohnnyPotseed to get even better distribution.

I’m a genius! And didn’t even realize it!


Fixed it for you………
Oooops no beans for OJ……. :sob:


My brother shot a big one down south of Camden several years ago now. BIG boar with BIG tusks. U could smell that thing from a hundred yards away stinkingest thing I ever did smell. It was charging him when he shot it. We were deer hunting.






OJ found himself guilty :rofl:

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Hahahahahaha!!! Hilarious!


That happened to me when I was deer hunting with a good friend in Gurdon, Arkansas. Lots of giant pigs down there.
My case was weird. I was sitting under a tree watching a group of pigs rooting around about 50 yards away. The more I watched the more I was thinking of bacon on those young piglets. So I shot one. As soon as I did, a giant came towards me. At a pretty good clip I didn’t have time to scratch the jewels. I laid the rifle down and took off running. That hog was right on my heels. I climbed up a tree and sat there for what seemed like hours, before it finally walked away. Scared the shit out of this city boy, I can tell you.
But that little pig was some good eating. We did not get a deer.


I resemble that remark!
I mean resent. RESENT !!! Dammit!


The little ones are good. The big ones stink too bad to eat. I tried to eat one once couldn’t do it. Cooking the meat stunk the whole house up. Lesson learned :joy:


The Conservation Dept used to ask hunters to thin out the hogs in the Mark Twain National forest. Eradication would be preferred but that is an impossibility and they know it. Now they put these big pen traps up with remote activation and real time video. When a gang of hogs enter the pen, a notice is sent to an agent. If enough hogs are enclosed he will activate the trap. They donate a ton of meat to the needy.
But you guys are right. They are not to be taken lightly. They are smart and mean as shit. Them things will lay into you if they catch you in the open field. They destroy crops, kill pets, starve out the local wildlife that rely on wild edibles. Them things eat everyone’s food supply!
Actually I think they should put a bounty on them like they used to with coyotes.
I’m not into killing animals for no reason but with them, there’s plenty of reason.


Yup! All they know to do is eat and mate. And they are prolific at both.


They gettin’ smarter too . Down here in the FL panhandle you rarely see one during daylight . Night huntin’ w/ thermal scope now days . Used to be an easy cheap hunt around here . Got 3 rivers empty into the bay close by . Used to hop in the boat & go get as many as you want . Somebody’s always puttin’ on a benefit or fundraiser some sort . Smaller are best eatting , either a shoat , sow or a barrow . You can keep them ol’ rank ass boars .